A new resource kit has been developed to support aged care services deliver culturally appropriate care to...
Implementing the virtues of the Sunna as a lifestyle
Over 1,000 people from across the UAE poured their heart out for those in need by collecting...
A Miswak, or siwak, is a natural tooth-stick made from a twig of a tree. Typically made...
Moeen Ali does not apologise for his Muslim identity. He prays five times a day. He fasts...
Nearly 900 mosques across Germany took part in "Open Mosque Day”, an annual event organized by Islamic...
When a girl gets married, everything changes. She leaves her home to go live with a man...
As Muslims we should ideally and additionally be setting goals for not only our material well-being but...
In an urgent response to the calls for help by Rohingya refugees... Human Appeal Australia (HAA) organised...
There were two houses standing next to each other. In one of them resided a very unhappy...
I became a Muslim and returned home with some questions. Who should I tell? Should I grow...