By: Abu Muhammad Yusuf
Source: E-Islam
The Islamic New has recently begun and people generally ponder about on how to approach this New Islamic Year and their work, health and relationships etc.
In reality we don’t need a New Year or special occasion to make a resolution for doing or achieving good. It can be done instantaneously!
Common resolutions include cutting down on chocolate/weight, quit smoking, getting in shape, etc. A lot involves benefits to the health and/or improving lifestyle. Others include giving more to charity, being closer to family which boosts a personal level of satisfaction etc. But this we as Muslims should be doing regardless.
What about us? Have we set a goal or targets for ourselves? If so, was it because it was a New Year? Did you have to wait for the New Year to set it? Is there something about you that you wish to improve? No human is perfect!
As Muslims we should ideally and additionally be setting goals for not only our material well-being but more importantly for our spiritual self. That is not to say that we should not set goals for this material life, by all means, go ahead but let us not forget the journey that lies ahead once our eyes close from this temporary abode.
Yes, set high goals both for our Spiritual and Material progress.
The Holy Qur’an says: “Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the life to come and keep us safe from the torment of the Fire” (Quran: Al-Baqarah:201).
Allah Most High mentions in the Holy Quran; “…And I created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me…” (Quran 51:56)
5 Easy Tips to Get You Started
Reach for the stars! Aim high
So indeed there is no harm in achieving good in both materially and spiritually. The most important is to note that all resolutions, hopes, ambitions and dreams etc are entirely dependent on Allah Most High, The Most Wise, for their fulfillment. So making Dua (asking Allah Most High) is the most essential ingredient for achievement. When making dua “reach for the stars” i.e. ask Allah Most High for the best, in fact ask for everything good. Don’t leave out anything. Allah, The Most Wise, says: “Invoke Me, (and ask Allah for anything) I will respond to your (invocation/dua)…” (Quran: 40: 60)
Eliminate transgressions
Most businesses refuse to grant more credit to a bad debtor or nonpayer, likewise how can we expect Allah Most High to grant us good if we continuously sin and transgress? To get the Help of Allah Most High we need to remove sin from our lives. We are not perfect and as humans we often err. But the least we can do to show our sincerity to Allah Most High is to intend to abandon ALL forms of sins from our lives. Allah is Ar-Rahman, the Most Compassionate, and Ar-Raheem, the Most Merciful. Allah Most High reminds us of the greatness of His Forgiveness and Mercy so that no one would despair due to the amount of sins he or she may have committed.
“O My servants who have transgressed against their own souls, despair not of the Mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Qur’an: 39:53)
Make Islam the bigger circle
Until now we may have made our material (worldly) desires the Bigger Circle in our life and Deen (Islam) the inner Smaller Circle that occupies a very small insignificant place in the Bigger Circle. Now resolve to make Deen(Islam) the Bigger Circle and make everything else fit into the Bigger Circle. If it does not conform to Deen, no matter what it may be, leave it out of the Bigger Circle!
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: “None of you can be a true Muslim, unless his desires are subject to the deen (religion) that I have brought.” (Hadith).
Set specific goals
Leaving our intentions vague and general is not wise. Make specific intentions and set targets. Cover each aspect of your life which you would like to improve upon and set targets that are easily attainable. Don’t leave it open ended. He who fails to plan, plans to fail!
Be extensive and systematic
Yes, let the list be extensive, realistic and systematic. Dedicate time with family to make these resolutions. Make your family part of it and set goals together. In addition, it helps to write down intentions and to regularly review those intentions in order to achieve those commitments.
Finally, the most important resolution is that My Creator Allah Most High must be pleased with me. So, whatever I desire, do, say, want, etc. must be only to please my Lord!
May Allah Most High make this Islamic Year 1439 Hijrah the most spiritually rewarding year for the Ummah and may He grant ease and relief to those that are suffering and oppressed throughout the world. Ameen.