Every year, as we sight the crescent of Ramadan, our minds race to formulate a plan for...
Islam Today
Articles/stories on living Islam in the modern world
If Sha`ban catches you off guard and you do not even realize that it is here and...
It has also been ascertained from the Hadith that he will emerge from between Syria and Iraq,...
Yet it is the Muslims, since centuries ago, who have been used to relinquishing the demands of...
In brief, when the Muslim Ummah is enslaved to riches and materialism, and start to attach much...
Pitifully our situation is such that we send children to Maktabs (supplementary religious schools) from the age...
The very first thing a Sufi, as a man of religious learning knows is that the Shari'a...
nowadays, our wedding functions have become such that vast sums of money are spent and this suggests...
“The halal is clear and the haram is clear. Between the two there are doubtful matters..." (Bukhari)...
Imagine how empowered you can feel if you view the things you worry about as opportunities rather...