Ibn Ata’ Allah may Allah have mercy on him starts off his aphorisms by correcting the Muslims’...
MV Media
MV originated stuff, like blogs and guest writers
As Muslims, we possess in our heritage a medical tradition of deep wisdom and richness, as practiced...
Islam is a tradition about obtaining a state. This is embedded within the name of the religion,...
No part of the body has received attention from our Prophet peace be upon him to warn...
There are many Muslim converts in the West who leave Islam on a daily basis for various...
What I want to share with you here is why many of us Muslims can handle just...
For those quick to accuse single sisters of being “too picky”, I'd like to offer a reality...
The juggling act of being a kitchen hand, cleaner, an ATM! a taxi, cleaner again while on...
Walk with Al Jazeera’s Basma Atassi in Mecca, as she takes you on a tour to see...
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