In light of the recent rise xenophobic attacks and anti-Muslim sentiment, hereunder are some du’as from the...
Islam Today
Articles/stories on living Islam in the modern world
So it may be said that the default position in the Shari'a is that, under normal circumstances,...
Sadly, today, we are so proud that we cannot even say “JazakAllah khayran” to the wife (or...
Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Quran? Or do you read daily, but...
At their most basic and visible level trade and business involve exchange of goods and services. But...
Many Muslim husbands and wives treat each other like adversaries... The husband feels that whatever he says...
The expression “money talks” personifies this rise and drives a person to amass as much capital as...
Children are like flower buds. When these buds bloom into flowers, the love given by parents to...
It seems to have always been the case that all sorts of excesses and abuses pass as...
Muhammad and Jesus both came into the world, as the prophets before them, to keep God-centeredness the...