while issues like the economy and foreign policy will be important, polls indicate many voters are likely...
Donald Trump’s lousy comments
Texas could be one of those states as recent polls show Clinton within striking distance of Trump....
Many political commentators credit Donald Trump’s rise to white voters’ antipathy toward racial and ethnic minorities. However,...
Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence says he and presidential candidate Donald Trump believe a Muslim American...
Harsh rhetoric about Muslims by Republican candidates in the U.S. presidential election campaign is undermining national security...
The maker of the video described the disturbing ease with which he was able to recruit average...
US Presidential hopeful, Donald Trump has proposed some strange ideas for dealing with terrorists but he has,...
The issue of Middle East peace may be pivotal in such a battle. And that could make...
“It really is open season, rhetorically, on American Muslims and Islam.” Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council...
In today's America, Muslims and Islam are securitization subjects. This process is not unique to Muslims as...