Of all the unexpected events in the Middle East, none underlines the sense of a changing world...
To avoid detection by Libyan secret police, who monitor Facebook and Twitter, Mahmoudi, the leader of the...
"I am not going to leave this land. I will die here as a martyr. I shall...
Islamophobia in Western media is the crux of hypocrisy, particularly in Australian circles. Ceaseless attacks on Islam...
Tens of thousands of foreigners are trying to flee Libya, after clashes between security forces and protesters...
Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam has cautioned the Libyan protesters to "..be ready to start a civil war...
Dozens of Muslim leaders call for end to civilian deaths after security crackdown on funeral procession of...
Egypt arrested three ex-ministers and former top party member for corruption, on charges of diverting public funds...
Clashes have been reported across the country, as security forces and government supporters confront demonstrators. Chants of...