If they were in love, or thought so, but did not get married, then, the story is...
Social relationships and interation
Children are like flower buds. When these buds bloom into flowers, the love given by parents to...
It seems to have always been the case that all sorts of excesses and abuses pass as...
Muhammad and Jesus both came into the world, as the prophets before them, to keep God-centeredness the...
It is a common trend in this day and age for people to take a break for...
Beijing’s earlier attempts to simply keep control over Uyghurs Muslims have given way to an all-out offensive...
Dorsey responded Wednesday that he was "aware of the human rights atrocities and suffering in Myanmar," and...
It is mustahab (preferable), if one can afford it, to stipulate that amount as mahr that The...
The world over,millions of people find themselves unhappy with their lives, careers, health & relationships. Only a...
The UAE passport's rank at number one this year was a big jump from its No. 24...