In fact, the self, or nafs, functions as a two dimensional vehicle. While it has a potential...
The basic purpose of I’tikâf is that the heart gets attached to Allâh and, with it, one...
There are a number of highly recommendable worshipful practices to be performed during the days of Ramadan,...
It has been mentioned in a hadith that a pious person from the Bani Israil (Children of...
Rasūlullāh (ﷺ) has stated, “There is no sadaqah more rewarding than [providing] water.” Due to its importance...
Islamic ethics are unshakably founded upon rights and justice. This is because the peace of humanity can...
Dear son, you will not attain good fortune in your home except by 10 characteristics which you...
Shaykh Abdul Hakim Muard speaks about the strength of character that true understanding of the Kalima and...
Prophet Muhammad acted extremely carefully in regard to the rights of peoples the Islamic state had agreements...
The religious instruction of a Muslim child commences from the day it has entered into this ephemeral...