Prophet Muhammad acted extremely carefully in regard to the rights of peoples the Islamic state had agreements...
Religious tolerance
Every Muslim should strive to bring good to their surroundings for a true Muslim tries scrupulously to...
Prophet Muhammad's status as a role model is an issue based on the Holy Quran and the...
A funeral was passing by in front of them. It was obvious in every respect, that the...
It has been challenging for me - a young Catholic working in interfaith dialogue - to watch...
Acts of violence against minority faith communities in Indonesia are rising, casting doubt on the nation's tolerant...
In a move that has critics angry, the German government is looking at allowing Muslims and Jews...
Advertisements preaching religious tolerance and an end to bigotry are going up in Manhattan subway stations.
There is great power in words. Words shape our world and our worldview. They can...
Six years after racially motivated riots broke out on Sydney's southern beaches, Tim Elliott finds mixed results...