Whether they realise it or not, most Muslims follow one of the four recognised islamic legal schools (madhabs) in their daily practice of Islam, but seldom do they know the Quranic and Sunnah evidence related to them. Dr Recep Dogan has put together a book that does both, give the details of rituals of five pillars and their textual evidence from the Quran and Sunnah.
Do Muslims have to follow a madhab (legal school) in their practice of Islam ?
Dr Recep Dogan, Lecturer, Charles Sturt University.
The Life and contribution of Abu Hanifa to Islam and Islamic law.
Sheikh Wesam Charkawi, Translator of Nur al-Idah.
Date: Saturday, 28 September 2013.
Time: 7 pm – 9 pm.
Venue: Amity College Hall, 27 Queen St, Auburn 2144.
Light refreshments will be served. Prayer facilities available.
For registrations please phone 02 9649 9040 or email info@isra.org.au
For more information please click on below link:
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