They are muffled minarets. But even with the call to prayer silenced by council anti-noise laws, they are part of our landscape and make a statement as permanent as any cathedral spire. Local money is behind them, but so are major donations from the Middle East and Malaysia. Some say it’s time to cut the cord.
About half of the funds for Sydney’s oldest mosque, Lakemba – opened in 1977 – came from the Middle East.
The largest donation, $320,000, was from the Saudi royal family. Other big donors were Libya, which gave $100,000, and Kuwait, which gave $30,000, says Adib Marabani, a founder of the mosque.
Mr Marabani said a further $27,000 was donated to Lakemba by the then Libyan ambassador to Malaysia who, on a visit to Australia, toured the mosque and offered to pay for the carpeting.
In frank interviews, members of the Sydney Islamic community discussed the development of their mosques and fund-raising that they say has been wholly focused on construction and community development.
In fund-raising circles, Saudi Arabia is a five-star destination. The Saudi government first gave to Australian Muslims in 1974 – a donation of $1.2 million – and since then, some observers guess, about $100 million has followed.
But the co-editor of Muslim Communities in Australia and a politics lecturer at Monash University, Shahram Akbarzadeh, said it was time for Muslims here to “cut the cord” from overseas funding sources.
“Having a reliance on Saudi funds makes a community indebted to the Saudi [religious] line,” Dr Akbarzadeh said.
The chairman of the Supreme Islamic Council of NSW, Gabr Elgafi, also believes that mosque and school fund-raising committees should be more self-reliant.
Other countries have been generous, too. The Auburn Gallipoli Mosque, an Ottoman inspired showpiece, received about 20 per cent of its building budget mainly from Turkey and Malaysia, says the president of the mosque’s Affinity Intercultural Foundation, Mahmet Ozalp.
The rest of the $4 million for the mosque, which was opened in 1992, came from local families who gave to the building appeal during a decade-long fund-raising effort that also involved other Sydney mosques.
As their roots have gone deeper, the mosques of Lakemba and Auburn have become patrons of building appeals in other parts of Sydney.
Lakemba offered to be the white knight when Rooty Hill ran out of money for its mosque roof but was turned down because Rooty Hill would not agree to share control.
The prominence of the Lakemba and Auburn mosques is partly due to evolution – the Turkish and Lebanese first settlers were poor but their children have prospered – and also the older mosques are magnets.
They tend to be sought out by visitors, among them rich dignitaries. Many donations honour the Muslim religious obligation to annually give 2.5 per cent of savings to the poor or good causes.
Mostly though, the money trail runs in the other direction. In a city of 134,000 Muslims, more than a dozen mosques and a scattering of small rented prayer rooms, there is a well-travelled route through Malaysia and the Middle East for Australian groups trying to raise money to build or expand.
There is blatant wooing of overseas donors – for example, naming schools and mosques after the crowned heads of Saudi Arabia.
The Melak Fahd Islamic School at Chullora is named after the Saudi king and an earlier Saudi royal is commemorated at King Abdul Aziz College at Rooty Hill.
A $2 million donation for the purchase of school land at Chullora points to sizeable Saudi sponsorship.
A spokesman for the acting Saudi ambassador, Abdullah Qordi, said there were no records of donations and no systematic method for granting funds.
“It is more in the nature of personal assistance,” he said. “The channels of Islamic funding are very broad … in fact, the government only plays a very minor role.”
In the silver circle of donors are the Saudi royal family, the Saudi-backed Islamic Development Bank, and the Islamic League, a charity with offices in London.
“We help Muslims, we build mosques and schools and give general help,” the embassy spokesman said.”The Islamic community looks to Saudi Arabia to continue to do such things. But we deny funding any suspicious activities.”
Cross-border and suspicious transactions are monitored by Australia’s justice minister through Austrack, as are cash transfers of $10,000 or more.
The independence of each mosque and the absence of a religious hierarchy means that fund-raising is locally inspired and organised.
It is also a matter of record that many Christian denominations in Australia receive money from abroad and, in the case of some ministries, send funds to religious outposts overseas.
But among Australian Muslims the overseas donors, particularly Saudi Arabia, are controversial because they do not want to feel indebted or subject to outside influence.
Part of the reason that Malaysia is now a source of funds is that it is seen as less problematic than Saudi Arabia. But many would prefer an end to the fund-raising caravans.
Mr Elgafi of the Islamic Council says: “It is because people are lazy. They want something but they don’t want to put in the effort.
“If you borrow money or you go to a certain country and ask them for money then you are obliged to that country, but if you do it yourself it is great.”
Mr Elgafi helped to build the Dee Why mosque and believes that it is the only one in Sydney built entirely with local funds.
The chief executive of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils and consultant to the Melak Fahd Islamic School, Amjab Mehboob, said the school was named after King Fahd because he had donated $2 million to buy the land.
But it had been scrupulous about its independence and had returned a further $1 million donation to the Saudi ambassador after a dispute about control.
“We want to make absolutely sure that the school reflects Australian Islam and not Islam associated with any overseas country or regime,” Mr Mehboob said.
But he remains open to foreign donations because the Muslim community in Sydney is too small to raise all the money needed for important community projects.
Another pragmatist is the foundation chairman of the Rooty Hill mosque, Dr Akbar Khan whose school was built with a Saudi loan. Although he is uneasy about the school’s Saudi name – King Abdul Aziz College – it was begun at a time when the community was trying to improve its plot of land.
The first step was the mosque, which “didn’t get a cent” from overseas, Dr Khan said.
But it was not for the want of trying. About 1991, the fund-raising committee sent letters of request to the Islamic embassies, dined with a visiting sheikh and sent a delegation to Saudi Arabia, he said.
The mosque, finished in 2001, was finally built with fees received from certifying food, including Australian export lamb.
The building was finally finished with rent money received by the mosque. The only foreign donation was a personal gift, amounting to less than $5000, from the Saudi ambassador.
Dr Kahn had more luck getting funds for the school. In the late 1990s the Islamic Development Bank lent the Islamic Association Western Suburbs Sydney Inc $US250,000, interest free.
The favourable exchange rate, a $340,000 grant from the Federal Government, and top-up funds from the community all combined to build the school.
Other mosques, for example the smaller Central Coast mosque at Wyong, depend on the wealth of individuals, according to the president of the Central Coast Islamic Society, Javed Azam.
Monash University’s Dr Akbarzadeh believes independence would be a very important step for the local Muslim community.
“And it would also be an important marker of what it is to be a Muslim in Australia … intellectually, the community would cut the cord with the outside Muslim world.”