When the heart of a Mu’min is shaken with sins, with disobedience to Allah Most High, then...
Love In Islam
the Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ) said, “Indeed, Allāh does not look at your outward form nor your...
We have all heard that we should never despair of God’s mercy. And on the surface, we...
Every year that suitable callers came knocking at her parents’ door she waited, praying her “friend” would...
Love is a noble human feeling which indicates life and humanity and it is one of the...
Many find it ironic that a non-Muslim scholar must remind Muslims what their faith is about, such...
Islam is the religion of the heart and needs to be protected. We should not generalise Islam...
Spiritual traditions speak of ascending levels of nonphysical illumination, beginning with the obscure sparkles that typify everyday...