By: Bashar Al-Jamal
Source: Human Appeal International Australia via MuslimVillage
Assalamu Alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh (peace and blessings be upon you).
I send my warmest wishes to Muslims in Australia and around the world wishing you all Ramadan Mubarak on behalf of Human Appeal International Australia (HAIA).
Dear brothers and sisters, I would like to take this opportunity to remind myself and you all that we should renew our intentions and take full advantage of this blessed month. The month in which we dedicate ourselves to fasting and share our wealth with the less fortunate by donating to worthy causes. Ramadan is a time for reflection and contemplation, for charity, and reviving the spirit of giving.
I would like to take a moment to thank our generous donors. Your contribution is highly appreciated and valued. With your support, HAIA has delivered aid to more than a quarter of a million needy people every year. Over the last 25 years, you helped us to respond to emergencies and deliver humanitarian support in 25 countries across the globe.
We are very fortunate to live in Australia, one of the most multicultural countries in the world. It is important for us to remember that we are part of a caring and generous community and we are the face of Islam for our neighbours.
Through giving and sharing, we can improve ourselves, contribute to the Australian community and humanity at large. May you all be blessed with an abundance of peace, health, love, happiness, and all things good in this life and the hereafter.
Yours sincerely,
Bashar Al-Jamal
About Human Appeal International Australia
Human Appeal International Australia (HAIA) is a charitable, Not-for-Profit, Non-Governmental organisation that has been established in Australia in 1991. Spanning across 4 continents- Australia, Asia, Africa and Europe, to strengthen humanity’s fight against poverty and to respond to emergencies like those caused by wars and natural disasters. HAIA seeks funds from supporters to serve thousands of impoverished people through various programs that include orphan sponsorship, emergency relief, wheelchair distribution, medical aid and a range of like projects.
The HAIA is highly committed to the local Australian community and in 2015 has launched a Human Appeal Australia Community Care (HAACC) with the mission to engage, assist and empower the most vulnerable people from all walks of life and backgrounds; including refugees, migrants, elders and youth in Australia. HAICC provides financial assistance for Australians struggling to afford the basics of life and delivers humanitarian support during local emergencies.