It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allâh, it is your piety that reaches Him. Indeed He has subjected them (animals) to you so that you may glorify Allah for guiding you, and give glad tidings {O Muhammed} to those who excel in good. (22:37)
1. Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said: “For every hair that is on the sacrificial animal, one reward is recorded for the person making the Qurbâni.”
2. It is related from Hadrat Ayesha Radiallâhu anha that Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has said:“There is nothing dearer to Allâh during the days of Qurbâni than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Qiyamah with its horns, hair and hooves (to be weighed in Thawâb). The sacrifice is accepted by Allâh before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart.”
11 Important Points Regarding Qurbâni
- The Zabah [slaughter] requires that the air passage, the gullet, the two jugular veins of the animal to be swiftly and clearly severed with a very sharp knife, together with the recital of BISMILLAHI ALLAHU AKBAR.
- It is Makruh [reprehensible] to slaughter an animal with a blunt knife as this causes much suffering to the animal. It is also makruh to begin skinning, cutting, breaking the hands and feet of the animal before it becomes cold (meaning, before it becomes lifeless). Similarly, it is makruh to continue cutting the animals neck after having cut the four passage ways.
- It is preferable that the meat be divided into three parts. One part for the home, one part for the relatives and friends and one part for the poor and needy. If a person keeps the meat for himself, then this too is correct.
- If the skin is sold, the amount received for it cannot be used by oneself. It is Wâjib to give it away as Sadaqah [charity] to the poor and needy.
- The time for Qurbâni commences from the morning of Eidul Ad’hâ i.e. 10th Zil Hijjah after the Eid Salâh until the sunset of 12th Zil Hijjah. The best day for Qurbâni is the day of Eidul Ad’hâ, followed by the 11th, then the 12th of Zil Hijjah.
- Blood should be washed off the knife before slaughtering the next animal.
- A person cannot perform Salâh with clothes that are stained with blood.
- Strings, ropes etc., used for fastening and tying the animal should be given away as charity.
- Qurbâni was not Wajib on a person. However, he purchased an animal with the intention of Qurbâni. Qurbâni now becomes Wajib on him.
- Qurbâni was Wajib on a person. However, he did not make Qurbâni so much so that the three days of Qurbâni also expired. He should therefore give the value of one goat or sheep in charity. But if he bought a goat and did not sacrifice it within those three days, he should give that very goat as it is in charity i.e. without slaughtering it.
- If a person makes Qurbâni on behalf of a dead person out of his own will in order to send the rewards to the deceased person, it will be permissible for this person to consume the meat himself, feed others, and also distribute it to whomsoever he wishes. In other words, he can use it as he would with his own Qurbâni.