By: Naadira Chhipa
Source: MuslimVillage
There comes a time in a parent’s life were you have to untie the the umbilical cord and set your children free.
When your children are married and have homes of their own respect their privacy and call before visiting it may seem trivial but it is a quality of respect that will appreciated.
When your son and daughter in law come home to visit give her as much attention as you would your daughter, she will treasure the hospitality.
When your daughter comes home to visit or stay over invite her husband aswel, it will make him feel special and included.
When your children go out to dinner or shopping and may not invite you do not lose heart as there will be another day where you are also included in their activities.
When your children are going on holiday with their family or alone do not feel disappointed as this is an opportunity for them to grow.
When your children quarrel amongst themselves try to remain neutral at all times as this is a platform for them to showcase their own problem solving capabilities.
When your son or daughter comes to you complaining about their spouse. Always give beneficial advice.Listen before reacting or using it as an opportunity to highlight their spouse’s faults.
When you visit your children do not look for faults in the simplicity or cleanliness of their home rather offer to help or compliment their efforts at being independent.
When your children have their in laws over at their home always be polite and cordial towards them.
When your children have children of their own respect their choices and restrictions as it will create harmony and trust.
When your children get busy and forget to call, do not be sad or depressed rather you call them to say I miss you and I love you no matter how old they maybe.
Respect, trust in your upbringing and Love your children enough to set them free…..
As parents always invest in your relationship with your spouse and your own interests beacuse as children grow older and independent, your spouse will be there even after the nest gets empty. Inshallah.