IWWA Presents….
After fasting the month of Ramadan, Let’s Rejoice and Celebrate … A night of fun and laughter with dancing (halal music), plenty of fun-filled games and an indluging three course meal. So bring your beloved sisters and children and get ready for a night to be remembered!
Friday 17 September 2010, 6 pm til late at The Emporium Function Centre (Level 1, 258 South Terrace Bankstown)
Dress: Chic Black Otfit (Modest dress, nothing above the knees – no particpation otherwise)
Ladies strictly 12+ in the Grand Ballroom / $50 ticket
Children will be entertained with a Zaky movie and a special appearance on the night by Zaky himself!!!! / $30 ticket
Contact IWWA 9759 1675 / 0433 434 767
4/180 Haldon Street Lakemba