“Verily in the body there is such apiece of flesh that if it remains alright the whole...
worship Allah
By the time we realize the value of these special gifts bestowed upon us, we would probably...
Are you one of those people who rarely touches the Quran? Or do you read daily, but...
It should be the desire of every Muslim to draw nearer and closer to Almighty Allah the...
The Istikhara Prayer or the Prayer of Seeking Counsel or Guidance is a very simple prayer of...
Have you ever had days when you’re about to go to sleep, and you have this deep...
If we want to understand well the meaning of awe, hope, relying on God, and sincerity and...
The Qur’an is an expression of the Divine Will. An endless number of miracles are hidden in...
What makes you say your Prayers at places where there is no one to ask you to...
How do you wake up for fajr? And I don’t mean wake up for a day or...