Syrian government aircraft and artillery, backed by its ally Russia, intensified their offensive against rebel-held areas of...
Vladimir Putin
The UN cannot use Russia's unilateral pause in the fighting in Aleppo to send aid into the...
For those in Mouadamiya there may be a semblance of peace after a long and bloody battle,...
Russia said on Tuesday it would extend a moratorium on air strikes on Syria's Aleppo into a...
Seven-year-old Bana Al Alabed tweeted that the city of Aleppo was quiet Tuesday in the wake of...
Human rights organizations such as Memorial say the Russian law is not based on evidence and is...
A senior rebel commander said on Friday that Syrian government forces would never be able to capture...
Turkey and Russia signed an agreement on Monday for the construction of a major undersea gas pipeline...
Russia vetoed a French-drafted United Nations Security Council resolution on Saturday that would have demanded an immediate...
The U.S. move to pull out of the talks came hours after Russian President Vladimir Putin signed...