The same kind of Islamophobia that has made much of Europe inhospitable to its Muslim citizens is...
Donors from around the world have pledged more than $800 million to help victims of its disastrous...
For most of the last decade, the US and its allies have been fighting a so-called 'war...
Islamic groups in the US fear an overlap between the end of Ramadan and the anniversary of...
The number of Americans who believe -- wrongly -- that President Obama is a Muslim has increased...
While the mainstream media rarely if ever question the belief that bin Laden is still alive, some...
What should one make of the brewing controversy over this proposed Islamic Center at Ground Zero in...
So much blood. So many hands. So little culpability. No remorse. If "blowback" comes to the...
"Our real enemies are not those living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't...
A group called 'Stop Islamization of America' is promoting ads on major city public transportation that urge...