With nearly every country in the Middle East having a stake in the Syrian conflict, governments across...
Attorney Qasim Rashid was challenged by someone on Twitter to 'show [him] the Christian terrorist attacks' the...
In the past week, Silicon Valley has faced renewed calls for greater regulation of social media platforms amid the...
The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more...
Washington and Riyadh are eager to improve relations strained under President Barack Obama in part because of...
At a time of unprecedented human displacement, the richest countries in the world are the “least welcoming”...
George Galloway and former General / aide to Ariel Sharon debate the state of Iraq after war.
People who are slightly overweight or mildly obese have a lower risk of early death than normal...
U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says increasing attacks by Syrian forces on the city of Aleppo could...
The U.S. ambassador to UNESCO, David Killion, said Washington was "profoundly disappointed" by the vote. The U.S....