Here are twenty tips from the Quran and Sunnah for dealing with the evil of the enemy...
Salāt al-Hājah (“Salāh of Need”) refers to performing two or more rak‘ats of optional salāh with the...
It’s just like a person who has painted his house for a certain occasion and as soon...
“From among the signs of the Hour (end of time) are that religious knowledge will be taken...
The clear truth is that there is no way to specify these objectives and to give them...
It is obvious that the concept of intellectual property on which the law of copyright is based...
Imam Shātibī (ra), an expert on the objectives of the Shari‘ah, said, “The Shari‘ah came to stop...
It was the practice of the Prophet, upon him blessings and peace, that he would not sleep...
Austrian members of parliament have approved a new bill which bans garments that fully cover the face...
Indonesia's Aceh province, which has gained international infamy for its strict Islamic laws, won rare praise from...