As Muslims, we are advised the best example to follow is that of Prophet Muhammad (peace be...
Fruits and vegetables are great bounties of Allah Ta’ala upon the creation. Some provide nourishment and others...
Here are some of the prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) healthy habits, which coincide with the findings of modern...
A poem written to highlight the difference between Jesus and false religion. This is not an attack...
Consuming Kids throws desperately needed light on the practices of a relentless multi-billion dollar marketing machine that...
The contrast between where Muslims stand now and where they stood in the Golden Age is stark...
As Muslim astronauts are in recent news, in future if there is human habitation at Moon, then...
France’s staunchly secularist educational establishment was shocked four years ago when schools around the country suddenly began...
Despite the recent barrage of news on the ridiculous niqab/hijab/burqa bans restricting women’s entry into education, it...