Lady Fatimah wasn't great because of her honorable blood lineage to our beloved Prophet Muhammah alone. To...
Prophet Muhammad pbuh
with the intention that He grants us His guidance in all our movements and our stillness and...
The Covenant of the Prophet Muhammad with the Monks of Mount Sinai is next attested by Muhammad...
On no one shall an unjust tax be imposed, and with the People of the Book there...
Unblemished is He Whose covering is Dignity itself and Whose Word is Dignified. Unblemished is He Whose...
When the Qur’an, which is an address in text form, is transformed into an object of study,...
Allah chose you for Islam - powerful reminder.
Although attaining to the Prophet’s (pbuh) level of individual perfection remains a sheer impossibility, still, each person...
Islamic morality is aimed at the individual forming a just and honest personality in general and a...
"Perhaps the world was never in greater need of an accurate account of Prophet Muhammad's life...