It goes without saying that violence of any sort, whether inspired by religious sentiment or secular interests,...
Prophet Muhammad pbuh
The justification of the use of any means to reach a certain end has become common among...
California Coptic Christians say they are shocked that an Egyptian Coptic immigrant appears to be the producer...
By: Dr. Ahmad Shafaat Source: Love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is...
A U.S. State Department officer was killed in Benghazi, Libya after armed protesters stormed the U.S. Consulate...
Thanks to the German authorities, we now have a new culture war in Europe: Can parents, Jewish...
Syed Shaykh Al Habib Umar talks about how we can be Peaceful Muslims.
Just a few short weeks after welcoming relics of the Prophet Muhammad to Grozny, Chechen leader Ramzan...
Just a few short weeks after welcoming relics of the Prophet Muhammad to Grozny, Chechen leader Ramzan...
The holiest month of the Islamic year, Ramadan, began last week. This Ramadan, many Muslims are looking...