The United States is close to completing a series of arms deals for Saudi Arabia totaling more...
President Barack Obama
Washington and Riyadh are eager to improve relations strained under President Barack Obama in part because of...
President Barack Obama has lauded Muslim Americans as patriots and heroes, and decried discrimination and violence against...
But his greatest disservice by far has been to mainstream Muslims, who make up the vast majority...
The PLO and Palestinian Authority both insisted to AlterNet that Hamas fighters engaged Israeli soldiers inside Gaza...
Shaye was a well-respected Yemeni journalist, known in Yemen for his investigative journalism and breaking stories. He...
By that I mean, what if your name is Ahmed, Jihad, Anwar or Abdulrahman? Fatima, Rania, Rasha...
Prominent voices are finally calling on President Barack Obama to close it down and send home scores...
President Barack Obama plans some intense Mideast diplomacy this month and next, welcoming leaders of Turkey, Jordan...
Rumors were widely circulated that Brennan has reverted to Islam while working as the CIA station chief...