In fact, the self, or nafs, functions as a two dimensional vehicle. While it has a potential...
So what is good character? In his search for the answer, Ghazali turns to a host of...
In the Qur’an-e-Kareem the word nafs is used in two ways. The first way that the word...
No other religion in the entire human history has accorded the status and dignity that Islam has...
We often judge yoga, mindfulness, and meditation as being “new age” or “hippy”, without really trying to...
We have had some questions regarding waseelah and tawassul (supplicating or appraoching Allah through an intermediary) which...
Believing oneself to be the most contemptible and lowest being is known as tawaadhu’ (humility). The consideration...
It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits… As soon as it starts raining, lightning shortly...
Advice from a scholar on controlling your Nafs
Islam is the religion of the heart and needs to be protected. We should not generalise Islam...