Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah offered to resign on Monday, his spokesman said, amid efforts by President...
It has been mentioned in a hadith that a pious person from the Bani Israil (Children of...
Jewish leaders in Europe have slammed a draft law that proposes to ban boys in Iceland from...
Hamas is to unveil a new version of its controversial founding charter which called for the destruction...
...our master ‘Isa (or Jesus - peace be upon him), who is called “the Spirit of Allah”...
The Muslim teen who alleged to have been the victim of a hate crime last week in...
A young Muslim woman in New York who said she was threatened on a subway train by...
After getting involved in the Syrian civil war, Russia now signals it wants to become a Middle...
Muslims believe that Jesus will return at the end of time and will clear all the confusion...
A candid look at the stark ironies, challenges, and realities of taking care of the rights of...