The Turkish-Qatari axis played a critical role in the escalating conflict leading to a state of civil...
At least 60,000 people have died in Syria's conflict, UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay said on...
Protests against Iraq's Shi'ite-led central government have broken out in Sunni-dominated provinces west of the capital.
"...we know from the general character & actions of Muhammad, that he treated all people with a...
A list of the top 24 countries, among the more than three dozen that are currently...
Professor-turned President Barack Obama lectured the Muslim World and world leaders during his annual address before the...
The UNHCR is appealing for $500 million in donor funding to cope with the basic needs of...
America is the largest seller of killing machines on the face of the planet – we all...
A boat which was apparently packed to capacity with Syrian and Iraqi refugees has sunk off the...
Somewhere in my home I have a set of photo albums I rarely go near. I fear...