While terrorism laws are only meant to be used against "terrorists", when the state acquires exceptional and...
anti-Muslim hate crime
..the survey shows that Americans report warmer feelings toward Muslims today than they did in 2014, Muslims...
Terrorist attacks have riveted attention in the United States and Europe, but those regions accounted for only...
When it comes to domestic terrorism in America, the numbers don’t lie: Far-right extremists are behind far...
In the climate of fear and mistrust of Muslims being carefully cultivated by some elements in this...
A look at all the concerned coverage of the Trump travel ban reveals that Muslims seem to...
The more urgent question is whether or not those who support a ban on travel and immigration...
The politicisation of the veil – whether it covers the full face (burqa), leaves the eyes open...
There are numerous instances in that era of false propaganda against Islam and Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam). In...
The U.S. Transportation Department (DOT) has begun highlighting discrimination complaints the agency receives. But is that enough...