Points from ahadith pertaining to parents: (1) Service to parents result in increase in rizq (earnings, livelihood)...
The clear truth is that there is no way to specify these objectives and to give them...
Several scholars of Tafsir, like Ar-Razi and others, used Quran 2:21-22 as an argument for the existence...
Contact between the Viking and Muslim worlds has long been established by historic accounts... What makes this...
Now I sit here and wonder what that something could be. No other person knows better than...
...our master ‘Isa (or Jesus - peace be upon him), who is called “the Spirit of Allah”...
The Ulama enumerate multiple benefits of eating in moderation. Eating less keeps the body healthy and light,...
Imam Abu Sulayman al-Busti said, "Nasiha is a word used to designate the desire for what is...
Imam Malik (d. 179 H) said: “Submit to the Imams and don’t argue with them...” Imam Sufyan...
This year, 1,325,372 foreign and 537,537 domestic pilgrims performed Haj, making a total of 1,862,909 Hajis. This...