"Black Crows" shows women and children living under the jihadists... Actors and MBC staff have told local...
Propaganda Watch
Austrian members of parliament have approved a new bill which bans garments that fully cover the face...
The two institutions embody a contest for influence in Senegal, and more widely in Africa, between Iran-backed...
Articles about Muslim countries tend to focus disproportionately on the ones especially bad for women. For example,...
Media group consents to judgment as part of settlement with Dr Ibrahim Abu Mohamed, after paper said...
An investigation launched in February showed the soldier had used a fake identity to register as a...
My hijab made me happy; it was both a sign of my obedience to Allah and a...
The Five Eyes Alliance - the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the UK - spies on...
The Prophet Muhammad taught his companions to respect people of all faith backgrounds and to care for...
The result of a nuanced and comprehensive profile of Islamophobia in Australia actually showed few Australians are...