By: UswatulMuslimah
Source: UswatulMuslimah
What is “Strive to Bring Aive”
The purpose of this column is to motivate and encourage everyone to make an attempt to bring alive the very simple actions that will be presented every two weeks. Insha-Allah by making these very easy actions part of our daily lives, we will benefit from the blessings of practising on these a’amaal (works) and they will also become a stepping stone towards doing greater actions.
As a means of encouragement to others, and also to spur us ahead, a vote counter has been attached. The idea is that for two weeks every person reading this column should make an effort to practice on the ‘amal (action) presented. At the end of the two weeks, those who have practiced upon it for at least one week or more should vote “YES.” This will Insha-Allah encourage others also to do the same.
Daily Anti-Depressant
Many people are under the misconception that an increase in wealth will lead to an increase in happiness. However, this could not be further from the truth, as depression affects people across all income-brackets and from all walks of life.
The severity of depression can perhaps be gauged by the fact that according to statistics, in South Africa alone, there are approximately twenty-three known suicides a day!
Islam has given us a simple, free prescription that has no unwanted side effects and is incomparable in combating sadness and negative thinking that can lead to depression. In this regard, Rasulullah (ﷺ) taught us that we should always look at those who are less fortunate than ourselves (Saheeh Muslim #7428). In doing so, we will realize how many bounties we enjoy for which we should be thankful and how fortunate we really are.
Hence, we should daily contemplate over the plight of the less fourtunate in the world. There are people in the world who have no food at all and are dying of starvation. There people who have no limbs or limbs that do not function. There are people who were forced to witness their entire family being killed before them. By pondering over the difficulties which these people encounter, we will realize that our difficulties, as painful and unbearable as they may seem, are actually not as bad as the suffering of others.
And we may be moved by such pondering to contribute financially or otherwise to making positive change for such people.
Whenever we feel down and depressed, let us think of our brothers, sisters, children and parents around the world who are less fortunate than ourselves. Then, let us put our hands into our pockets for charity to give and/or raise our hands in du‘aa, thank Allah Ta‘ala for the innumerable favours that we enjoy, and beg Him to assist those in difficulty.
This is the ultimate anti-depressant of which we should all strive to take a daily dose.