Source: Jamiatul Ulama
On the request of our Noble Shaikh ‘Abdirazzaq al-Badr asking us students to compile 50 points of benefit from the book Tadheem Qadr as-Salah by al-Imam al-Marwazee (taught by the Shaikh here in Madeenah) showing the importance of Salah in Islam. Here are 50 points, may Allah increase both the Shaikh and the Imam in good, ameen.
- The Salaf (members of the first three generations of Muslisms) would teach people they met the importance of Salah whenever possible, in Saheeh al-Bukharee it is narrated by ‘Aishah (radiyallahu ‘anha) that they would teach people the rulings concerning Salah as well as its importance.
- The author of the book himself, Imam al-Marwazee, would be praised by the people of his time due to how amazing they found his Salah to be.
- Salah is the most important act in Islam after the Shahadah, see Soorah al-Bayyinah, how Allah mentions the command of Salah after the Shahadah straight away.
- In Soorah At-Tawbah Allah tied brotherhood in faith with Salah, if the Mushrikoon make Tawbah and establish the Salah and pay the Zakah then they are your brothers in faith.
- The Prophet (salallahu’alyhi wassallam) was commanded by Allah to fight those who abandon Salah.
- Aboo Bakr (radiyallahu ‘anhu) fought those who stopped praying after the death of the Prophet.
- Islamically if a person were to pray to a direction other than the Qiblah, that person would not be considered a Muslim. Then what about a person who doesn’t even pray at all?
- All the Prophets of old established Salah (mentioned in more detail later on).
- When Allah brought Moosa (‘alyhi salam) close and spoke to him, the first act he was taught was that of Salah. See Soorah Taha.
- The magicians who fought Moosa used to be in deep Shirk, but once they acknowledged their error and made Tawbah, the first thing they did was to prostrate to Allah (i.e. Salah)
- Allah commanded Moosa to tell his people to establish Salah. See Soorah Yunus.
- Prophet Eesa (‘alyhi salam) spoke in the craddle and the first act of obedience he mentioned to have been commanded with was that of Salah. See Soorah Maryam.
- Prophet Ibraheem (‘alyhi salam) left his son and Hajar in a barren valley (Makkah) and from amongst all the deeds the only one he made Du’a for regarding them as well as himself, was that they would establish Salah. See Soorah Ibraheem.
- Allah praised Prophet Isma’eel in the Qur’an and that is because he used to establish the Salah and command his family to do likewise.
- Allah mentions specifically how Prophet Zakariyya would stand in the Mihrab (place of prayer) praying to his Lord. See Soorah Al Imran.
- When Ibraheem was about to sacrifice Isma’eel and he put his face down as mentioned in Soorah as-Safat, scholars such as Mujahid and Ishaq say that this means Sujood.
- When Prophet Dawood come to know of his mistake (Soorah Sad) the first thing he did was fall down in prostration to Allah (i.e. Salah).
- Prophet Suleyman forgot to pray Salatul ‘Asr due to forgetfulness and being preoccupied with his horses, this was not done deliberately and only happened once, even then, it was a major thing for him and he made Tawbah by sacrificing his beloved horses. See Soorah Sad.
- It is mentioned in the Sunnah, of how Prophet Dawood used to pray his night prayers, this shows how serious he would take his prayer.
- When Prophet Yunus was swallowed by the whale, Allah mentions in Soorah Safat that if it hadn’t been for him praising Allah he would have been left in the stomach of that whale until the Day of Judgement. The scholars say, this praise means that he would establish the Salah.
- The people of Madyan whom Prophet Shuayb was sent to, made fun of him by saying, do your prayers command you…? (Soorah Huud) This shows that they would always see him praying and that Shuayb ‘alyhi salam become known amongst his people for Salah.
- The Prophet mentions in an authentic hadeeth that whenever the Prophets would face a difficult time, they would rush to prayer.
- Every person who neglects Salah it is due to following desires, whether it be love for sleep, love for work and making more money etc.
- Some of the Salaf would ask their parents, whilst still being young children, about Salah.
- Those who enter the hell fire, when asked what caused them to enter it, they don’t mention any other deed from amongst the obligatory deeds they left off, except Salah. See Soorah Muddathir.
- In Soorah al-Munafiqoon, Allah warns the believers not to let their wealth and children stop them from remembering Allah – the scholars mention that the remembrance of Allah here means Salah.
- In Soorah al-Layl when Allah mentions those who disbelieve He says “He did not attest (i.e. believe) nor did he pray” so Allah mentioned specifically that these people don’t pray. And if it hadn’t been for the importance of Salah in Islam, Allah would not have singled out this one deed from amongst all the other deeds in Islam the non-believers left off other than Salah.
- The Prophet mentioned in a hadeeth that those who do not pray will be resurrected with Qaroon, Haman and Fir’awn. Which believer would be pleased with being in such a company on the Day of Judgment?
- Notice how the Prophet mentioned these three individuals specifically, the scholars say the reason for this is that, Qaroon was prevent from the truth and remembrance of Allah due to his pursuit of wealth, Haman was stopped because of love for his work and Fir’awn was prevented from it due to his pursuit of leadership and following his own desires. And if you really ponder on it, you will come to see that most of the people who do not pray are often one of these three types of people.
- Being regular in performing Salah will prevent someone from despairing in the mercy of Allah, notice how in Soorah al-Ma’arij Allah mentions those who pray as an exception to the general rule of despair amongst mankind.
- In Soorah Maryam, Allah threatens those who pray but delay their prayers, with being thrown into Al-Ghayya which is a part of Jahannam. Now imagine what the case is for those who do not even pray at all?
- No worship in Islam needs Taharah before it except Salah, this shows the status of Salah in our religion.
- Again in Soorah Maryam, Allah mentions Prophet after Prophet and then concludes by mentioning how ALL of them would fall into prostration (i.e. Salah) when reminded of the verses of their Lord.
- Many ahadeeth mention to us the tremendous reward for performing Wudhu, walking to the masjid, waiting for Salah etc. If this is the case for these things that lead up to Salah, then what about Salah itself?
- Also in Soorah al-Ma’oon Allah threatens those who pray but do so without paying attention to their prayer. He threatens them with al-Wayl which is destruction, if this is the case for one who actually prays, what then about a person who refuses to pray at all?
- All worship in Islam is only required during certain times or under certain circumstances, such as the fasting of Ramadhan, this is only once a year. The Zakah is only required from someone who possess the means, similarly with the Hajj. Whereas with Salah, it is always required, from the sick, the poor etc (in a way they are able to).
- The menstruating woman is not required to pray, and this shows the purity and high status of Salah in Islam.
- The Musafir (traveller) is not excused from Salah, even though he faces a lot of hardship and difficulties in his travel, he is only allowed to shorten some prayers but never to leave it off completely.
- If you can pray standing up then you have to do so. If not, then pray sitting down, if not then on your side and so on. Salah can never be abandoned.
- Even in the heat of battle, the Mujahideen are not allowed to forsake Salah.
- Taharah (purifcation) is something required for Salah, but if one is not able, then their is a substitute, Tayamum.
- Similarly, if one was to be naked and can not find clothes to cover themselves at all, they are still required to preform Salah and not let the time pass him. See the speech of the Imam in his book.
- During the other forms of worship such as fasting, hajj etc, one is allowed to talk, to sleep, to laugh and so on whilst performing these type of acts, whereas in Salah all these things become prohibited. Meaning the heart is not allowed to be preoccupied with anything but the remembrance of the Lord.
- The Prophet informed us in a authentic hadeeth that Allah is present in front of His slaves face during Salah. And this is something specific to Salah.
- Some of the Salaf would literally cry if they missed praying in congregation with the people, imagine us who not only miss prayer in congregation but miss prayers altogether!
- Allah begins His Noble Book the Qur’an, by mentioning that this revelation is a guidance for the Muttaqqeen (those who have Taqwa) and then Allah mentions certain characteristics these people have, and the second point mentioned about them is that they establish Salah.
- The Prophet was commanded with all other forms of worship through means of revelation, but when it came to Salah, Allah sent His most Noble Angel Jibreel to bring His most Noble Prophet to Him, in order to inform him about Salah.
- In Soorah al-Mu’minoon Allah mentions the success of the believers and their special traits the first of them pertaining to their prayers. And then again a few verses down, their Salah is mentioned yet again!
- Similarly in Soorah al-Ma’arij all makes those who pray an exception, and then mentions their other virtues only to conclude once again by mentioning how these people safeguard their prayers.
- The Prophet has informed us in an authentic hadeeth that the first thing we will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is our Salah. Imagine if you were to fail this first test, what hope do you have left then?
May Allah make us from amongst those who establish their Salah and pray it in a similar manner our beloved Prophet did, may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Ameen.