By: Haqqseeker
Source: MuslimVillage
All over the world we find grand sales of different products and services with incredible offers and packages. Sometimes these offers are genuine while at other times they are just publicity stunts to attract customers. Also, some of these offers are limited to the periods the stocks last.
Whatever the case may be, special offers make most people very excited. If the savings on an item will be somewhat significant people queue up for hours, or even camp overnight outside the store to grab the offer.
However, whatever you gain or achieve in these offers and package deals are momentary or are limited to this world only.
Now let us divert our attention to a very ‘Grand Sale’ that Allāh with His Great Mercy and Compassion has granted to us. The period of these Superb Offers is the Sacred month of Ramadān. Whether the savings in the worldly offers are – a few hundred dollars or even a few million dollars – it is not worth even dust compared to the gains of the special offers Allāh Most High has kept in the month of Ramadān.
Yes, this Blessed month comes with offers that are from the infinite Treasures of Allāh Subhānahu wa Ta’ala. They are not only genuine but are also everlasting in this world as well as in the Ākhirat (hereafter).
Take the example of the incredible benefit of performing either a non-obligatory deed or an obligatory one. During the Holy month of Ramadān, while anyone who performs a nafl (non-obligatory virtuous deed) merely for the pleasure of Allāh then Allāh Most High, with His infinite Mercy, would grant him a reward equal to a farḍh (obligatory act) in any other time of the year and anyone who performs a farḍh act for him shall be the reward of seventy farāiḍh in any other time of the year.
Then there is that special night of the nights, the Laylatul Qadr that makes its once-in-a-year appearance in any night during the last ten nights of Ramadān. Laylatul Qadr is the crowning glory of the holy month of Ramadān. Besides being associated with the revelation of the Qur’ān Majeed to Allāh’s Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam, this night has been described as The Night of Power, the night of Spiritual Bliss. This night is better than a thousand nights. A thousand months are equivalent to 83 years and 4 months. Fortunate is the person who spends this night in prayers.
This month also has a very special ‘package deal’ comprising Mercy and Forgiveness of Allāh Most High plus freedom from the Hell-fire. The blessed month of Ramadān has been divided into three parts. Each part consists of ten (‘ashara) days. The first ten days reflect the Mercy of Almighty Allāh; the second ten days represent the Forgiveness of Allāh ‘Azza wa Jal; while the last ten days represent emancipation from the Hell fire. There is absolutely no doubt that Ramadān is a month of mercy and forgiveness and it also provides the opportunity for all the believers to be saved from the fire of hell, although the complete month of Ramadān is the blessed month and it overflows with Grace and Mercy of Allāh Most High.
Then we have the Tahajjud Salāh. The virtues and benefits of performing Tahajjud Salāh and engaging in du’ā at the time of Tahajjud are such that that every Muslim would wish that he could wake up for Tahajjud. However, when the alarm rings, he is either in too deep a sleep or the blanket become too heavy to lift. The month of Ramadān is the perfect opportunity for each and every Muslim to make Tahajjud a precious part of his or her life.
As extra benefits from our Creator, in Ramadān the Shayāteen (devils) are chained, Allāh Most High opens the doors of Jannāh (heaven) and all the doors of Jahannam (hell) are closed.
In short Allāh Most High has packed so many virtues in these 30 (or 29) days that it is just impossible to even count them. Undoubtedly this month is a very special month and its significance can never be overemphasized. This is a once-in-a-year opportunity to win His Divine favours, to take our piety to a higher level and thereby upgrade our rewards collection. Every hour, or rather, every minute of this month should be spent to win His pleasure only.
So, my Brothers and Sisters! Hurry and take advantage of these special Ramadān Offers! Only a few days are left to take the full advantages of these Grand Offers coming from Mālik-ul-Mulk (The Owner of Sovereignty).
Of course the month of Ramadān will inshaAllāh come next year and the year after next, but what guarantee is there that we will be around to witness it?
Allāh the most high knows best.