By: Sister Sumaiyah Seedat
Source: eIslam.co.za
How many times have we posted a picture that we thought to be something great and to our surprise the picture receives a meager 10 “likes”?
Instant removal!
In our quest to boost our self-confidence, we have become egotistical and as fake as the filters we apply to our pictures on social media. Sadly, our lives have come down to us needing constant validation from others, some of whom are complete strangers to us! This is unhealthy because we build unrealistic views on life and suddenly what Allah Ta’ala has given to us is not enough.
We find fault with our complexion, our weight, height even the colour of our hair requires some sort of modification. We are indeed so vulnerable. The filters applied to pictures are deceptive and brainwashing and yet so many of us strive to look that way.
“You will never look like the girl on the front page of the magazine, as even that girl doesn’t look like her original self”
The harms of abusing social media are not only the inferiority-complex it gives its users, it also commonly leads to a narcissistic approach to life. One has reduced their self-worth to the amount of ‘likes’ they accumulate on their ‘selfies’ and thus feeding their ego’s when they have indeed overlooked that “Allah does not like the arrogant, the boastful” (Qur’an An-Nisa, 4:36).
Really, our beauty is sacred; we are beautiful because we are the work of Allah! You do not need validation from any human being.
The next time you are about to post a ‘selfie’ that you are convinced is going to get you many likes, ask yourself 3 things:
- Would I be comfortable showing this picture to my children?
- Would I be pleased if they grew up to do the same?
- If I were to take my last breath tomorrow, would my pictures work for or against me in my grave?
Islam is not about doom and gloom, but in fact it’s about being in peace and harmony with our Creator ‘Ar-Rahmaan’.
“Never despair of the mercy of your Lord” (Qur’an Az-Zumar 39:53)
No matter how far you may have strayed, do not let Shaitaan (Satan) misguide you into thinking that there is no way back, the doors of forgiveness are always open.
Always remember, a pretty face is temporary and inner beauty more important than outer beauty. Rather aspire to “be so beautiful that others can’t take their HEARTS off you”.