By: MuslimVillage
Source: MuslimVillage
Eid al Adha Message from MuslimVillage.com
Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. La ilaha illallah. Wallahu akbar. Allahu akbar. Wa illahil hamd.
Eid Mubarak!
Hajj and Eid al Adha, and the towing example prophet Ibrahim and his families (peace be upon them all) remind us of the centrality of slave-hood and keeping our covenants with Allah, Most High, to our faith.
Indeed the weightiest of covenants is that of the “Two testimonies” or the “Shahadatayn” when we witness that there is no god but Allah and that our master Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).
As we recall the submission of Abraham, kept alive in the Sunnah or way of the prophet Muhammad (Allah’s peace be upon them both) though this sacrifice, we could take the opportunity to reflect on how faithful we are to the two testimonies.
Such reflection would come at a time of great turmoil and upheaval and movement of people that resembles the “exodus” of the Bible. The so-called European “refugee crisis” and the wars and blood-shed in Muslim lands that have led to it should give us pause for contemplation also.
How true are we to the commands of Allah, Most High, as individuals whether it be the daily ritual prayer or the command to keep to our contracts or the command to be noble to our spouses and families? Are we scrupulous on those matters or do we think as the Quran recounts of some of the Jews “Never will the Fire touch us, except for a few days.” (Quran 2:80)?
If we cannot, as individuals, find the faith and patience to uphold the command of our Lord at home, at work, and at play then how can our communities and nations become sound and be united?
Today as we recall the momentous act of Ibrahim in fulfilling the dream of the sacrifice of his beloved son let us renew our commitment to our Lord, our Prophet (peace be upon him), our parents, our families, our employers, our leaders, and our nations, seeking the pleasure of Allah, Most High, in our efforts and interactions with all of them so that we can build, not destroy, families, communities, and nations that can then come together for Allah.
We at MuslimVillage pray for that and for a blessed and joyful Eid for the Umma, that marks a new milestone in closeness to Allah, Most High, and that sees that which displeases Him and distresses us removed from us in this world and the next. Amin.
Eid Mubarak from the entire team at MuslimVillage.com
Ahmed Kilani, Mohammad Kandil, Qays Arthur, Muhammad Tariq.