By: Moustapha Kassim
Source: Muslimvillage
My dear readers, this is the first series of my articles that will in sha Ar Rahman helps us to attain the pleasure and closeness of Allah, the Lord of the worlds. In the present article, I will try to elucidate the meaning of the adultery of the soul or heart and its danger in our society, and then will follow couple other articles that will help us to develop a practical spiritual and psychological self- awareness approach to avoid committing Ruh Zina and all vices and sins related to it.
Adultery with one’s soul or heart happens when a person use deliberately his mind to make lustful fantasies about someone other than one’s spouse, and for singles it is even intolerable to indulge in any kind of lustful fantasies if one wants to keep a chaste spirit to please Allah ta la, The Lord of the worlds. Adultery with one’s soul has well been illustrated in the Gospels of Isa peace upon him, when the Messiah informs us that: “anyone who looks on a woman to lust for her, has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28); here both men and women are all concerned and can drink of that spiritual poison.
Ruh Zina occurs mostly at a sight of a person who looks attractive to us, especially in this sex saturated world we are living in today, where unfortunately the global secular culture promotes being sexy as the zeitgeist. Indeed the visual distractions around us leave no choice other than to easily fall into lustful fantasies, since what we suppose to see of someone’s body in private became exposed publicly, taunting and haunting us all the time. Once one indulges in lustful fantasies, it fuels sensual lust, creates tempest in our blood and activates restlessness and turmoil in our heart.
For those who are unable to control themselves, unfortunately most used back alleys to satisfy this terrible craving, and those back alleys can be many. Single Muslims without an outlet for this biological dictate may use in secret pornography on internet and masturbation, fooling themselves by believing that it is a lesser sin than to actually commit the physical fornication with a person, whereas in reality this mindset only multiplies and perpetuates the sin of Ruh Zina since it leads us most of the time to many forms of addictions related to sexual acting out. This dangerous secret sin of pornography and sexual acting out in our Community, not only emasculate men and they remain like boys, but also makes some women to become like boys with tits; both realities are one the main reasons why marriages became scarce than ever before, indeed we are the loneliest generation in human history and singlehood is being normalized; I’d like to apologize for this naked truth about our sisters but sometimes we need to undress the truth to create a catalyst of change. Those addicted to this dangerous secret sin, can consider to start a free self-discipline program through the purification course on , it has helped many around the world to break free from bad and compulsive behaviors; it teaches you how to master yourself, break the bonding with your bad habits and connect to Allah Azzawajal.
Concerning married couples, added to the bad habits mentioned above, spouses may not be able to replace in the mind of the husband or wife the image of the person that the latter fantasized about and committed ruh Zina with. Also most of the time they are unable to meet the expectations and unreal pleasures that the fantasy promises, this lead them to seek out satisfaction outside the household, increasing the lack of attention, affection and devotion in the household, which is also one of the main reasons the divorce rate in our society is the highest in the history of mankind; indeed more than fifty percent of marriages end by a divorce in our modern society, I’d love to say that we must be modern again!
In a must read article for married couples appeared on, the author made this beautiful statement: “If the gaze and thoughts are kept pure and clean, then Wallaah, I guarantee that Allah Ta’ala will make the person’s wife look like a Hoor of Jannah. …There will be no question of looking at other women. One’s wife will be the coolness of one’s eyes.… The Command of lowering the gaze is directed to both men and women, married or unmarried. In this lies the protection of one’s marriage, one’s chastity, one’s happiness and one’s peace of mind,” ma sha Allah!
Moreover, this situation of ours creates many vices in our society such as cat calling, stalking, harassment, rape and at the end the objectification and the degradation of the value of women. Indeed the modern men are losing all respect for women, at the first sight of someone who is trying to be sexy the only message one receives is sex! And this is called animalism! What happen to the dignity that the One God gives us as Sons of Adam?
In his tour de force “Sea Without Shore: A Manual of the Sufi Path,” Sheikh Nuh Ha Mim Keller conveyed us a warning from Hajji Baba The last ottoman concerning this reality of our modern society and its imminent danger for the survival of human race by stating: “Sexual license and the ‘virtual license’ of cyber-porn encouraged by purblind myth of ‘personal freedom’ in our modern society is a viral infection in the body of mankind. It produces utterly selfish men and women who lack the patience to have and care for families sufficient in size and psychic stability to maintain a people’s survival, leading humankind to an evolutionary dead end.”
Moreover the Wise Spiritual Guide and philosopher went on and tells us in the same book that: “where there is no respect, there is nothing any woman would want to regard as a man, making friendship and intimacy impossible, time alone will tell how love or trust or marriage can exist between a woman and a man for whom her respect is absolutely zero. The northern peoples of the world appear threatened today by nothing if not this, a ‘victimless’ crime that merely extinguishes whole races.”
We have been warned! My brothers and sisters, and if we really care for our survival and the future generation to come, we need to raise awareness and strive together to halt this corrupted, “spiritual genocidal” and “victimless criminal” global secular culture of our time.
In the next articles to come, I will try to elaborate on some practical psychological self-awareness and spiritual approaches that will in sha Ar-Rahman help us to overcome impure thoughts, temptations and lustful fantasies that lead to compulsive behaviors to attain the pleasure and closeness of Allah ta Ala. To be continued….
May peace and blessing of Allah be upon the best of creature, our Master Al Mustafa Abul Qasim and upon his Family and his Companions.
“Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Verily, it is You, the All-Knower, the All-Wise.” (2:32)
Your brother Moustapha EEnuwa Kassim (MeeK), who is in dire need of your du’ah.