By: Osman Nuri Topbaş
Source: Osman Nuri Topbaş
Tazim or reverence is the outcome of certain fine feelings, such as taqwa (Allah-consciousness), love, humility, appreciation of value, and sensitivity of the heart that are born of faith. The essence of Islam can be described in the two following concise notions:
a. Tazim li-emrillah – that is, carrying out the commands of Allah with meticulousness and respect.
b. Shafkat ala khalkillah – showing mercy and compassion towards created beings out of deference to their Creator.
The greatest of etiquette is to show reverence for Almighty Allah. And the best and strongest sign of this is worship. Later it is to approach other beings with respect according to the degree of their closeness to Allah. It is said in the Holy Qur’an:
‘As for those who honour Allah’s sacred rites, that comes from the taqwa in their hearts’ (al-Hajj, 22:32)
The prayer (salat), the Holy Qur’an, the call to prayer, the sacrifice and other sacred trusts, along with the Ka’bah, the Hills of Safa and Marwa and other sacred sites are all considered to be the sacred rites of Islam. It is necessary to respect them without fault, and to show reverence for these during the times of Hajj and Umrah (The Greater and Lesser Pilgrimages to Mecca).
Extending one’s feet towards the Ka’bah when sitting in front of it, lying down, vain and empty talk in those holy places, recitation of or listening to of the Qur’an in a disrespectful manner or putting it on the ground, are all offensive actions that will harm one’s feelings reverence and should be avoided.
Allah (glorious and majestic is He) has promised eternity to those of his servants who show respect and reverence for His Own Being, His prophets, saints and sacred trusts and has showered His mercy upon them constantly.
As an example of this, the polytheists of Mecca were not punished as long as the Prophet (pbuh) was amongst them.
One of the best examples of the outcome of those who show reverence for Allah’s sacred rites is the story of the magicians of Pharaoh, told in the Qur’an. When the Pharaoh was left helpless in the face of the miracles shown by Mûsa (upon whom be peace), he gathered up the sorcerers of Egypt and promised them a great reward.
However when the sorcerers embarked on the challenge with Mûsa –Aleyhisselâm-, they politely respected him and gave him the choice of first priority. This polite act must have pleased Almighty Allah for the seeds of love of guidance that was in their hearts began to develop at that point.
The miraculous manifestations that were displayed after that then became a means for them to be honoured with faith. And this was such faith, such perfect faith, that it responded with the sacrifice of their lives, without them compromising in the slightest…
Jalaluddin al-Rumi explains the secret of showing reverence for Allah’s sacred rites in this story:
‘Those sorcerers came to the creed of unity as a result of the courtesy, compliment and respect they showed for a great Prophet, a servant close to Allah, which they did by giving him first priority. At the same time however, they were also punished for attempting to compete with that great Prophet’.
Another famous event is the dream of Uthman Gazi as a consequence of his respect and reverence for the Holy Qur’an. This dream was interpreted by Shaykh Edebali who then married his daughter to him as a result. Thus it is possible to say that the Ottoman Empire, the longest running empire in the world, was founded on respect, reverence, love, courtesy and service to the Qur’an.
This exalted Empire, which drew its strength from the impressive respect it showed for the Holy Qur’an later came to be in charge of the sacred trusts and preserved them with unparalleled reverence. In addition they served the two Holy sites of Mecca and Madina with the respect and sacredness worthy of them in an appropriate manner for centuries.