By: Youtube
Source: Youtube
Exposing the truth about our corrupt world and what humanity has become. My name is Spencer Cathcart and this is a short documentary film I made & wrote.
In this video I question our freedom, the education system, corporations, money, the American capitalist system, the US government, world collapse, the environment, climate change, genetically modified food, and our treatment of animals.
If you want to contact me email freshtastical@gmail.com
Access SUBTITLES by clicking “Settings” in the lower right of the video.
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Songs used:
1) Iron Dragon – Alliance
2) Dynasty – Initiative – CMX
3) Above All – Petteri Sainio
4) Fringe Authority – Fan Boys – CMX
5) Immediate Music – Overcome Anything
6) Confidential Music – Paradise Lost
7) Heart of the Rebellion – Fan Boys – CMX
SUBTITLES: Access subtitles by clicking “Settings” in the lower right of the video where you can select from Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Italian,Turkish, Polish, Greek, Albanian, Bulgarian, Swedish, Croatian, Hebrew, & Czech so far. If you would to create subtitles for another language please email me the translation to freshtastical@gmail.com rather than upload another video. The original English transcript can be found here: www.theliewelive.blogspot.com
Лъжата, в която живеем!
Nederlandse ondertiteling
Die Lüge die wir leben
We zijn allemaal slaven
Lež, ve které lidstvo žije
Minciuna în care trăim
Die Lüge in der wir leben
La mentira que vivimos!
LEŽ ve které žijeme!
Jeder einmal anschauen und teilen sehr wichtig!
Mensaje a la Humanidad: La Mentira Que Vivimos
This speech perfectly illustrates the lie we live as a society. It’s time to wake up. español
Die Lüge die wir leben
Лъжата, в която живеем!
Yaşadığımız Yalan
Lögnen vi lever
Vale mida me elame