Organizer: SeekersHub Sydney
SeekersConversation evenings involve open, safe, courteous and honest discussions on issues affecting the global Muslim community.
The politics of war in Syria and in Iraq has asserted an unacceptable narrative about what Islam calls to of its adherents as Muslims. Led by DAESH (poorly translated and incorrectly referred to as ISIS), the narrative falsely places Islam as a religion of war and hatred, whereas the truth affirms Islam as a Path of and to Peace and Mercy.
This SeekersConversation discusses the major scholarly ‘Letter To Baghdadi’, which provides the most comprehensive refutation against the claims and conduct of DAESH. In addition this SeekersConversation provides a clear explanation and counsel that the Muslim’s firm adherence to and advocacy of peace, mercy and the rule of law are what define one’s state of Islam, not the hatred, vengeance and love for the politics of war to establish a state of Islam.
Sidi Aftab Malik is a permanent United Nations Alliance of Civilizations “global expert” on Islam. Professor John L. Esposito, one of the world’s pre-eminent scholars on the Muslim World, has called him “a first rate scholar,” and the academic journal, The Muslim World Book Review, has called him “a rising intellectual star.”
He has written a number of articles that have been translated into numerous languages, edited a number of books and is the author of The Broken Chain: Reflections Upon the Neglect of a Tradition, about which Shaykh Hamza Yusuf has said is “the definitive statement on the nature of traditional Islamic education and the current crisis caused by its absence.”
From September 2013 to December 2014, he served as the scholar-in-residence at the Lebanese Muslim Association (LMA), where in addition to delivering public lectures, and overseeing youth-based projects, he taught the Positive Intellect Program; an intensive 5-week course that Aftab created to provide the intellectual tools for young Muslims living in the West to navigate the tides and challenges of modernity. During the five weeks, Aftab examined Muslim political history, Shariah, ethics, the development of western political history and the emergence of Islamophobia.
Please contact: Ph +61 411 304 504
email: academydirector@alghazzali.org
web: http://seekers.nationbuilder.com/state_of_islam
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