By: Stephanie Chalkley-Rhoden
One in four Australians holds a negative attitude towards Muslims, a national survey has found.
The social cohesion report, published by Monash University and the Scanlon Foundation, measured public attitudes on issues like immigration and multiculturalism.
It found people were five times more likely to hold negative attitudes towards Muslims than any other religious group.
Report author Professor Andrew Markus said the results were troubling.
“What we’re finding is negativity towards Muslims is five times higher than towards Christians and Buddhists, so there’s quite a significant issue there,” said Professor Markus.
“In a period of increased tension, those who are very negative may, more likely, act out their negativity.
“They might abuse people on the street and so on. So we’re really just talking of a very small proportion who act out their negativity, but that’s the concern,” he said.
The survey was conducted on 2,596 people in June and July, and was the seventh annual survey of its kind.
Experience of discrimination remained close to the highest level recorded at 18 per cent since the studies began in 2007.
Of those who reported discrimination, 30 per cent said it happened at least once a month.
The report listed a “number of demographic variables” in the results, with respondents aged 65 and over four times more likely to hold negative attitudes towards Muslims than respondents aged 18 to 24.
It also stated younger residents of Victoria were most likely to hold positive attitudes towards Muslims.
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Silma Irham from the Australian Muslim Women’s Association said the results were not surprising.
“There has been so much negativity from the media, from the government,” she said.
“Until the Federal Government changes its rhetoric and stops using Muslims as the cause of hardships facing the population, things aren’t going to improve.
“The Muslim community is a minority here but it is established, there are far more Australian-born Muslims, but it is like it still has to sell itself to the [rest of the] community.
Ms Irham said attitudes towards Muslims were in part being driven by the lack of understanding and fear surrounding IS and the conflict in Iraq.
“The level of Islamophobia directed towards Australian Muslims has grown and it’s a result of the current public discourse, where the Muslim community here is linked to what’s happening overseas,” she said.
“This is not boat-people overtaking us, it’s not the hoards from Vietnam bringing communism. There isn’t anyone new coming in here.
“Fear is always caused by government statements. If the government’s focus was that it is purely an overseas issue with some local elements and didn’t come down so hard on the Australian Muslim community [attitudes would be different].”
But she said attitudes in society moved in waves and that simply getting to know people of the Muslim faith would help turn the tide.
“We might be in the trough at the moment but the community will rise from that, and the Muslim community will be a far more valued member of society in the future,” she said.
“Get to know Muslims. Let’s get a bit of understanding about Islam.
“People will realize they’ve got some good reasons for what they do, they’re a pretty good faith.”
Majority of Australians support immigration intake
In contrast, the survey found “just 35 per cent” of people considered Australia’s rate of immigration “too high”, the lowest result in seven consecutive studies.
“This compares with 2014 American and European surveys which have found disapproval of government handling of immigration in the range 60-75 per cent,” the report stated.
By comparison, the Monash study found 58 per cent of respondents believed the immigration rate in Australia was “about right or too low”.
“A possible explanation for the low level of concern with immigration is the effectiveness of the government’s measures to stop arrival of asylum seekers by boat,” the report stated.
“This success has conveyed the message that the government has effective border control measures and can be trusted to manage immigration,” it said.
According to Professor Markus, Australians had one of the most positive attitudes towards immigration in the western world.
“It was a very surprising result because the proportion of those concerned about immigration has gone down,” Professor Markus said.
“We might have expected that maybe half of the population would be concerned… given there’s increasing concern about employment and the economy.”
One in four people supported the idea of asylum seekers arriving by boat being eligible for permanent settlement, while the majority of Australians – 85 per cent – believed immigration had been good for Australia.
The report’s key finding was that “Australia remains a highly cohesive society”, despite a low level of satisfaction with government and just 15 per cent of respondents agreeing that “the system works fine as it is”.
Nearly nine out of 10 survey respondents (88 per cent) indicated that they were happy with their lives, although only 27 per cent stated they were “very happy”, down from 34 per cent in 2007.