By: K.Gajendra Singh
Source: http://mwcnews.net/
When we look at the Greater Middle East i.e. West Asia, North Africa, South West Asia and other adjoining countries, we must remember that since World War II, the area has been ruled, exploited invaded ,bombed and destroyed by an axis of USA – Saudi Arabia – Pakistan. You can add poodle United Kingdom and Western implant Israel.
Tel Aviv’s strategic importance went up after the overthrow of Washington’s Policeman in the region, Shah of Iran in 1979, making it more difficult and destructive. Since World War II and even earlier, US and UK have provided security to the medieval regimes specially in the Gulf in exchange for exploitation of their resources, use of strategic space and nominating the price of oil in dollars, thus helping it remain a reserve currency. Saddam Hussein was the first to try to break the dollars in sale of oil and paid the price. The next in line was Gadhafi of Libya.
Bashar Assad of Syria like his father did not bow down and remained a close ally of Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon. In fact, after Bashar succeeded in beating down the US led revolt supported financed and helped by almost all Sunni states in the region , especially the oil rich Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, Jordan ( a dependency of USA and Saudis) and since coming to power of Islamist AKP party under its dictatorial leader Erdogan ,for the financiers, military-industrial complex and corporate energy interests in USA, it was difficult to digest that Iran under sanctions would be able to transport gas and petroleum via North Iraq, and Syria to Eastern Mediterranean and to Europe.
Throughout history , all colonial, imperialist and now globalizing powers have used divide and rule policy. But U.S.-led West has now opened the genie of Shia- Sunni warfare in full bloom, something to which this author has referred to many times in his earlier articles.|
Patrick Cockburn’s article on how Islamic caliphate or Islamic state was created and the dangers it poses. The rapid success of these fanatic and bloodthirsty warriors also shows the softness and corruption ridden regime of Prime Minister Maliki in Baghdad. The so-called Peshmarga Kurdish Militia has also lost its sheen against the fanatic Islamic warriors. However, North Iraqi Kurdistan , now almost autonomous has been a special preserve of Washington, to which USA first provided protection after the 1991 war to liberate Kuwait from Iraq .
Israel too is well established and entrenched there. In fact, some 10 years ago AKP government in Ankara had protested against this development, but now, although the relations between Ankara and Tel Aviv are extremely bad, but Turkey, with almost no hydrocarbon resources, now looks at Erbil, capital of North Iraq Kurdistan, as an energy source, market and a partner.
I have been greatly dismayed by the Islamist and dictatorial policies of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, who is trying very hard to become all-powerful President in the elections soon to follow… When it is all over, Turkey will pay a very high price for its stupid foreign policy. Kemal Ataturk, one of the greatest tacticians and strategic thinkers, who created Turkey out of the ashes of the Ottoman Empire, defended it against rampant victorious European powers, which egged on the Greeks, who were beaten back from the outskirts of Ankara.
He modernized the new state and created a secular republic from the dead wood of an Islamic Caliphate. He died just before the Second World War, but advised his deputy and successor Ismet Inonu to keep out of the Second World War, which Ankara did. Having spent 10 years in Turkey. I feel sad at the direction of the state, its foreign policy and internal policy .I is not optimistic about the outcome.
The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of MuslimVillage.com.