By: Emily Fleischaker
If you celebrate Ramadan, you know that during the next hot summer month you won’t be able to eat or drink anything — including water — from before dawn to sunset. To maintain energy and hydration throughout the day follow these tips for your pre-dawn meal from Muslim registered dietitian Nour El-Zibdeh.
1. Make these bran muffins in advance to eat throughout the week.
2. Spread almond butter on whole grain toast, then top with bananas and chia seeds.
3. Toss bananas, skin-on pears, and pumpkin seeds with a little lime juice and cinnamon. Add Greek yogurt if possible.
4. If you’re feeding a family, make instant oatmeal packets on Sunday to use throughout the week.
5. Smash beans on whole wheat toast then top with a tomato and a fried egg.
6. Make a big batch of this breakfast grain salad to eat throughout the week with fruits and nuts.
7. Blend milk, yogurt, quick oats, banana, peanut butter, chia seeds and cocao powder for a quick protein smoothie.
8. Scramble eggs with spinach and feta then wrap in a whole grain tortilla.
9. Make breakfast quinoa by heating it with coconut milk, vanilla, and spices then add nuts and dried fruit.
10. Drizzle olive oil and sprinkle a fresh cheese on your avocado toast.
There are many more great suggestions in the original article at Buzzfeed.