By: MuslimVillage
Source: MuslimVillage
Australia’s Herald Sun reported on Sunday that in Sydney more than 1000 people per year are converting to Islam with women doing so at a rate of almost two per week.
That would certainly be great news for Muslims except that there was an all too predictable warning by ambiguous “experts” about an extremist threat.
While the article provides credible sources for its conversion figures, it sheds no light on the experts who are warning about extremism.
What’s worse is that no evidence of a proclivity to extremism on the part of Sydney converts, and women in particular, is to be found. Surely the Herald Sun cannot be expecting readers to regard the likely out of context musing of the head of the Australian Muslim Women’s Association that converts “were sometimes guided by more extreme interpretations” as evidence of anything beyond an opinion.
In the absence of facts and figures regarding extremism among convert women, the high-profile anecdotes that are present in the article do little more than bring into question the intent of the writer and publishers in making the claims about extremism that are made.
Why link women’s choosing Islam to extremism without evidence? It’s almost an insinuation that Sydney women lack the judgment to avoid becoming fanatics.
Yet, baseless insinuations aside, the discerning reader is left only with the evidence that is provided which establishes that people in Sydney, especially women, are converting to Islam in large numbers. And for those who do know something about the religion of Islam that indicates exceptionally good judgment indeed.