The globes 1.8 billion Muslims will start fasting the blessed month of Ramadan over the next 48hrs InshAllah. Depending on which country they reside in and what methodology their respective scholars have decided to adopt, Ramadan will start on either Tuesday July 9 or Wednesday July 10 2013.
As like most years there will not only be differences between the various start dates of Muslim majority countries, but also within various Muslim communities within those countries. This disunity is more pronounced within Muslim minorities living in the West.
In Australia, the Mosques that fall under the jurisdiction of the Turkish and Bosnian communities will begin fasting on Tuesday July 9. The Mufti of Australia and the Lebanese Muslim Association, who’s decision many Muslims and Mosques will respectively follow, have declared Wed July 10 to be the first day of Ramadan.
Those that follow local moon sighting will be search for the new moon on Tuesday night and start fasting either Wednesday or Thursday depending on whether or not the moon is sighted. UPDATED: The moon was sighted on Tuesday Night in Australia.
Those that follow global sighting will wait for authentic reports from any country around the globe.
Muslim minorities in North America will celebrate the beginning of the holy fasting month of Ramadan on Tuesday, July 9, according to astronomical calculations.
“[The] first day of Ramadan is Tuesday, July 9, insha’Allah,” the peak Fiqh Council of North America (FCNA) said in a statement.
As with the rest of the globe, in the UK, some Muslims will start on Tuesday July 9, and others depending on physical moon sighting, will start on Wednesday.
Welcome to Ramadan 2012/1433!
UPDATED: July 9 2013 – 14:00 GMT (23:00 July 10 (11pm) Australian EST
Keep checking back this page for the latest information on moon sighing in other countries – we are updating regularly
We will list Ramadan start dates for countries around the world InshAllah.
As has been the case in past years, different countries and organisations will establish the start (and end) of Ramadan using different methods. Although all will of course be using moon sighting as the deciding factor, some will use the calculation method, whilst others will use a physical sighting (some accepting local, others global physical sighting).
Please check with your local Mosque or Islamic organisation to find out when they will be starting Ramadan.
Moon Sighting for Ramadan 2013 – 1434
Information Courtesy of www.moonsighting.com
The Astronomical New Moon is on July 8, 2013 (Monday) at 7:14 UT.
On Mon July 8 2013, it can not be seen in any continent, but it is possible to be seen in Polynesian Islands.
On Tue July 9, 2013, it can be seen in Australia, most Africa and all Americas. With difficulty, it can be seen in Southern India, Middle East, and Northern Africa.
Sighting Reports
Monday, 8 July 2013:
- Brunei:
- Not Seen: Dr. Mohammed Hussain Ahmad (MCW member) from Brunei Darussalam reported: The new moon was not sighted from Brunei (4° 55′ North and 114° 55′ East) in the evening of Monday, 8 July 2013 as expected. This was officially announced through the National TV and Radio stations. Therefore, tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 July 2013 is the completion of 30 days for the month of Shaban. Hence, the 1st of Ramadan 1434 will commence on Wednesday, 10 July 2013.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Muslims across the world a very blessed Ramadan.
- Not Seen: Dr. Mohammed Hussain Ahmad (MCW member) from Brunei Darussalam reported: The new moon was not sighted from Brunei (4° 55′ North and 114° 55′ East) in the evening of Monday, 8 July 2013 as expected. This was officially announced through the National TV and Radio stations. Therefore, tomorrow, Tuesday, 9 July 2013 is the completion of 30 days for the month of Shaban. Hence, the 1st of Ramadan 1434 will commence on Wednesday, 10 July 2013.
- China:
- Not Seen, BUT some mosques decided by calculations of visibility somewhere in the world,: Dr. Musa·Minhai (MCW member) from Wuzhong City reported: According to crescent moon visibility of Ramadam 1434 AH,I know that crescengt will not be seen today, July 8 in China, but I try to see crescent from 12:24 to 12:50(UT) in Wuzhong City (latitude:”38:28N”, longitude:”106:16E”), Ningxia province. I did not see the crescent.
However, according to criteria that the new moon was already born at 15:14 Beijing time and following New Macca Calender, and China traditional calender, most mosques have dicided that July 9, 2013 is first day of Ramadam. Some mosques dicided that July 10, 2013 is first day of Ramadam. So far, there is no authoritative authority like Figh councel about crescent and Ramadam in China.
- Not Seen, BUT some mosques decided by calculations of visibility somewhere in the world,: Dr. Musa·Minhai (MCW member) from Wuzhong City reported: According to crescent moon visibility of Ramadam 1434 AH,I know that crescengt will not be seen today, July 8 in China, but I try to see crescent from 12:24 to 12:50(UT) in Wuzhong City (latitude:”38:28N”, longitude:”106:16E”), Ningxia province. I did not see the crescent.
- Dominican Republic:
- Not Seen: Ahmad Abdul Haqq (MCW member) from Santo Domingo reported: The new crescent moon for the month of Ramadan was not seen in the Dominican Republic. The skies were covered in all directions with rainclouds with scattered showers. One brother, member of Dominican Islamic Entity in the city of Higüey was observing and there was zero visibility. We add 30 days to the month of Sha’ban. The 1st day of Ramadan 1434H will be on Wednesday, 10th of July 2013 CE. Ramadan Mubarak!!!
- India:
- Not Seen: Syed Thanveer Peeran (MCW member) from Coimbatore, Tamilnadu reported: Moon was not sighted so far i.e. on 8th July 2013, anywhere in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
- Not Seen: M. Siddik Nadvi (MCW member) from Ahmedabad, Gujrat reported: Today, Monday 8th July, 2013 = 28 Shaban. 1434, we tried to see the crescent of Ramdhan 1434 Hijri at our Institute JAMIA KANZUL ULOOM at 7:30 pm. The cresent was not seen and there is no possitive report of sighting from all over India.
- Indonesia:
- Not Seen: AR Sugeng Riyadi (MCW member) from Assalaam Observatory, Surakarta Central Java reported: On July 8, new crescent of Ramadhan 1434 AH was NOT SEEN from Assalaam Observatory, Surakarta Central Java and neither all observer from Indonesia. Indonesian Goverment statement (insha Allah) that Sha’ban will complete 30 days and 1 Ramadhan 1434 AH will be on Wednesday, 10 July 2013.
- Malaysia:
- Not Seen: Samer Helmy from Malaysia reported: Malaysia has switched from practice of calculations based decision to local sighting since from last year, and they announced Monday, July 8, that they could not see the crescent this evening and therefore Ramadhan will officially start on Wednesday July 10th, 2013.
- Morocco:
- Not Seen: Khalid Chraibi (MCW member) from Casablanca reported: I’m pleased to inform you that the Moroccan authorities have announced this evening that the new moon crescent couldn’t be observed Monday evening. Therefore, Ramadan begins in Morocco on Wednesday July 10, 2013.
- Nigeria:
- Not Seen: Majolagbe Monsuru (MCW member) [The Mufti of Ikorodu], Lagos reported: On Monday, July 8, in the front of ikorodu town hall, I exhausted all endavour to sight the moon but not seen because weather was very cloudy.
- Saudi Arabia:
- Not Seen: Mrs. Lubna Shawly (MCW member) from Jiddah reported: Saudi Arabia has declared in its courts that the new moon was not seen in many regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and that Sha’ban for the year will complete 30 days, and the 1st day of Ramadan 1434 Hijrah, will be corresponding to Wednesday the 10th of July the 2013.
Ramadan Mubarak to all …
- Not Seen: Mrs. Lubna Shawly (MCW member) from Jiddah reported: Saudi Arabia has declared in its courts that the new moon was not seen in many regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and that Sha’ban for the year will complete 30 days, and the 1st day of Ramadan 1434 Hijrah, will be corresponding to Wednesday the 10th of July the 2013.
- South Africa:
- Not Seen: Dr. Abdurrazak Ebrahim (MCW member) from Cape Town reported: On Monday, July 8, negative sighting in Southern Africa (from all areas south of the equator) at the end of the 29th Shabaan. The 1st day of Ramadaan will correspond with Wed. 10 July 2013.
- Not Seen: Rashid Motala (MCW member) from Durban reported: On the evening of Monday 8th July 2013, the Hilaal was NOT sighted in South Africa. The 1st Ramadaan1434 corresponds to Wednesday, 10th July 2013.
- Sri Lanka:
- Not Seen: Mr. Mohamed Shakir (MCW member) from Galle reported: I am informing you that the moon was not sighted so far i.e. on 8th July 2013, anywhere in Galle, Srilanka.
- Tanzania:
- Not Seen: Hamza Rijal (MCW member) from Tiny Island of Zanzibar reported: Today is 28th of Shaaban in tiny island of Zanzibar corresponding to 8th of July 2013, Tuesday 9th it will be corresponding to the 29th of Shaaban.
- UK:
- Not Seen: Saraj Qazi (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported: “Due to no accurate visible sighting of the moon in the U.K or any positive sighting from any Muslim country, including Morocco on the eve of 8th July 2013. We will therefore complete 30 days of Sha’baan. InshAllah 1st of Ramadhan Kareem will be observed on Wenesday 10th July 2013. The Markazi Jamaat’s wish all of the Muslim Ummah a blessed Ramadhan Kareem..
- Not Seen: Mohammad Ali Javed (MCW member) from Luton, Bedfordshire reported: Moon was not sighted in the UK, Morocco and other Muslim countries. We will complete 30 days of Shabaan. Insha’Allah 1st Ramadan will be on Wednesday 10 July 2013. – Ahle Sunnah Wal Jamaat UK.
- Not Seen: Qamar Uddin (MCW member) from York reported: On Monday 8 July 2013 (29 Shaban 1434 AH) many people from throughout the UK have attempted to sight the crescent moon (Hilal) of Shaban after sunset. None of the groups were able to sight the Hilal even though many places had clear sky conditions.
We have not received any reliable sighting report (Muhaqaq-Ruyat-Basari) from east of the UK/Morocco either. Both the Jamiat-e-Ulama South Africa and Morocco Awqaf Ministry have reported negative sightings (see Morocco fax attached).
Therefore, the Wifaq/Batley Ulama have decided that the month of Shaban 1434 AH will complete 30-days and the month of Ramadan 1434 AH will start from Wednesday 10 July 2013 (i.e. night of Tuesday 9 July), Insha-Allah.
PS. We welcome the Saudi Supreme Court decision to start the holy month of Ramadan 1434 AH a day after their official Ummul Qura date, as per our request below (and that of many other ICOP members), Alhamdulillah.
- USA:
- Not Seen: Sharaaz Khan Qadri (MCW member) from Sacramento CA reported: On Monday, July 8, we were not able to see the crescent for the month of Ramadan in New Lebanon. We will follow the Fiqh Council of North America’s calendar and begin fasting on Tuesday, July 9, insha’allah. Ramadan Mubarak to all.
- Not Seen: Imam Mir Omar Ali, Raleigh NC reported: From Raleigh NC Airport 6th Floor Parking; ther was excellent view of horizon (Partly cloudy) Negative sighting.
- Zimbabwe:
- Not Seen: Ayub Mahomed (MCW member) from Harare reported: Moon not sighted in Zimbabwe.1st Ramadan will start on Wednesday 10 July 2013.
Tuesday July 9 2013
- Australia:
- Seen: Abbas Aly (MCW member) from Annangrove NSW reported A very thin crescent was observed in Sydney – although very cloudy Br Mir Altaf and his sons sighted the moon standing atop a tall building and saw a very thin crescent just after sunset. Crescent was also sighted in Adelaide, Australia.
- Seen: Dr. Shabbir Ahmed (MCW member) Imam of Rooty Hill Mosque Sydney, NSW reported: On Tuesday, 9th July 2013, the Hilal of Ramadaan 1434 has been sighted in Sydney and Brisbane. Therefore, the Hilal Committee and Majlisul Ulama’ of Australia have declared that the month of Ramadaan will commence as of Wednesday, 10th July 2013.
- New Zealand:
- Not Seen: Wajid <hussainsw@hotmail.com>reported: The Federation of Islamic Association of New Zealand (FIANZ) has Just announced that the moon for the month of Ramadan HAS NOT been sighted today anywhere in the country so the first day of Ramadan will be Thursday 11 July 2013. Ramadan Kareem
OFFICIAL 1st Day of Ramadan 2013/1434 in Different Countries
Source: www.moonsighting.com
Tuesday, 9 July 2013:
- Bosnia and Hercegovina (Follow Tiurkey)
- China (Following MeccaCalendar.org)
- Cosovo (Follow Turkey)
- Croatia (Follow Turkey)
- France – Altitude > 5°, elongation > 8° [http://www.lecfcm.fr/?p=3314]
- Luxembourg – European Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR)
- Macedonia (Follow Turkey)
- Maldives Island (complete 30 days – Official announcement from Ministry of Islamic Affairs)
- Montenegro (Follow Turkey)
- Russia (Official Announcement – Calculations)
- Serbia (Follow Turkey)
- Slovenia (Follow Turkey)
- Tunisia – Criteria of age, or altitude, or sunset-moonset lag
- Turkey – Altitude > 5°, elongation > 8°
- USA – Fiqh Council of North America/Islamic Society of North America. The criteria are Moon must be born before Sunset in Makkah, and moonset after sunset in Makkah.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013:
- Afghanistan (Follow Saudi)
- Albania (Follow Saudi)
- Algeria (Follow Saudi)
- Armenia (Follow Saudi)
- Austria (Follow Saudi)
- Azerbaijan (Follow Saudi)
- Bahrian (Follow Saudi)
- Bangladesh (Some areas follow Saudi)
- Belgium (Follow Saudi)
- Bolivia (Follow Saudi)
- Bulgaria (Follow Saudi)
- Chechnia (Follow Saudi)
- China (Some groups – 30 days completion)
- Denmark (Follow Saudi)
- Egypt – Moon Born before sunset & moon sets at least 5 minutes after sunset
- Finland (Follow Saudi)
- France (Follow Saudi)
- Georgia (Follow Saudi)
- Hungary (Follow Saudi)
- Iceland (Follow Saudi)
- Indonesia (30 days completion – Official Announcement)
- Iraq (Follow Saudi)
- Ireland (Follow Saudi)
- Italy (Follow Saudi)
- Jordan (Follow Saudi)
- Kazakhstan (Follow Saudi)
- Kuwait (Follow Saudi)
- Kyrgizstan (Follow Saudi)
- Lebanon (Follow Saudi)
- Luxembourg (Follow Saudi)
- Madagascer (Local Sighting)
- Malaysia (30 days completion – Official Announcement)
- Mauritania (Follow Saudi)
- Montenegro (Follow Saudi)
- Morocco (Complete 30 days)
- Netherlands (Follow Saudi)
- Norway (Follow Saudi)
- Palestine (Follow Saudi)
- Philippines (Follow Saudi)
- Qatar (Follow Saudi)
- Romania (Follow Saudi)
- Russia (Follow Saudi)
- Saudi Arabia (30 days completion – Official Announcement)
- South Africa (30 days completion)
- Spain (Follow Saudi)
- Sudan (Follow Saudi)
- Sweden (Follow Saudi)
- Switzerland (Follow Saudi)
- Syria (Follow Saudi)
- Taiwan (Follow Saudi)
- Tajikistan (Follow Saudi)
- Tatarstan (Follow Saudi)
- Turkmenistan (Follow Saudi)
- U.A.E. (Follow Saudi)
- UK (Follow Saudi) [Coordination Committee of Major Islamic Centres and Mosques of London]
- Uzbekistan (Follow Saudi)
- Yemen (Follow Saudi)
- Zimbabwe (Complete 30 days)
Thursday, 11 July 2013:
- New Zealand (30 days completion)
Getting the best out of Ramadan
MuslimVillage.com has put together a series of articles to help you get the best of Ramadan InshAllah. We will be constantly updating this page with new articles, videos + more. If you find them helpful, feel free to share with your family and friends and multiply your rewards!
Many of us have been counting the days remaining up to the holy month of Ramadan. Five days, four, three, two and the next thing you know here it is. For a believer the name of this month “Ramadan” gives the thought of joy, rewards and a feeling of Allah’s mercy. Truly, this is a…Continue reading …
A Ramadan guide for non-Muslims
“Fasting breath”, wheres your lunch?, the sudden need for power naps – non Muslim friends, family and work mates sometimes have a hard time understanding what Ramadan is all about. To make it a little easier on your non Muslim friends, here is some handy hints – A Ramadan guide for non Muslims!… Continue reading …
Fasting the month of Ramadan is not just about abstaining from food an drink. According to Imam Al Ghazali,for one to achieve the maximum spiritual benefit, it is imperative that one has an understanding of the inner dimensions of fasting… Continue reading …
At a time when the world has become like a big village and at a point when our society is on the verge of great change and transformation, if we are to establish a better world for all, the first thing to do is to implant a sense of love and compassion..Continue reading …
Try to make sure that when you look back at this Ramadan in the future, you feel like you made a difference in your life that will stick with you for life InshAllah. Do something OUT of your comfort zone and InshAllah, it will transform you…Continue reading …
Muslims use the Ramadan fast as a vehicle for introspection and heightened spirituality, a message that can be a bit beyond children. So it’s the other aspects of Ramadan that get emphasized — fostering a stronger sense of family and community, improving one’s character and amping up good works in the hopes of making them lifelong habits…Continue reading …
It’s hard to believe that Ramadan is heading down the final homestretch. The last few days of Ramadan are upon us, as Muslims from all over the world step up their efforts to make the most of every remaining moment. The last ten nights of Ramadan are are the most blessed and we should increase our worship and devotion as they hold the glittering jewel of Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power…Continue reading …
To fast is an act of liberation from artificial collective emotions, consumerism, insane competition and love of power in order to set ourselves free from injustice, oppression and war. To fast is an act of justice towards the self. It should also be an act of justice towards human beings around the world, those who are oppressed and unjustly treated. God is the Just (al Adl) and He commands justice, as the Qu’ran tells us…Continue reading …
Undoubtedly, many of us will be hosting an iftaar party and sharing food with others this Ramadan. Whether you are the guest or the host, being aware of certain table-manners can help to make that iftaar an productive one and avoid offending anyone by upholding and following Islamic values…Continue reading …
A Muslim’s diet is above ordinary – we are “meat-eating vegetarians” which means if it’s not organic or halal food (lawful in Islam), we practice temporary vegetarianism…Continue reading …
MuslimVillage.com wishes you and your family a blessed and spiritually enlightening Ramadan.
PLEASE don’t forget to sincerely plea to Allah to relieve the pain of the oppressed and down trodden of our Ummah in your tahajod and when you break your fast everyday InshAllah. Allahu Allam maybe it will be your dua that is accepted.
SeekersGuidance Ramadan Reader
Please also see the links below from SeekersGuidance for comprehensive information on the month of fasting and Quran.
Preparing for Ramadan
Imam Tahir’s 5 Simple Steps to Prepare for Ramadan
Preparing For Ramadan Advice from Habib Umar bin Hafiz
Ramadan Detox for a Healthy Ramadan
Can I Pray 8 Rakats for Tarawih?
Should We Stop Praying Tarawih Once the Qur’an is Completed?
Is it Necessary to Perform Tarawih Prayers in the Mosque?
Is it Obligatory to Complete the Entire Qur’an During Tarawih Prayers?
Performing Tarawih Prayers Again as an Imam
Is It Valid for a Child to Lead Tarawih?
The Ruling of the Tarawih Prayer: A Confirmed Sunna
Reciting From a Copy of the Qur’an (Mushaf) in Tarawih and Other Prayers
Expiatory Payment (Fidya) for Missed Ramadan Fasts
Brief Overview of Expiatory Payments (fidya) for Missed Ramadan Fasts
Feeding People to Expiate For a Corrupted Fast
Is Expiation (kaffara) Necessary For Not Fasting in Ramadan?
When Is Expiation Required For A Fast?
How Many Expiations Are Required For Multiple Broken Fasts?
Can My Sister Pay Expiatory Payments (fidya) For Missed Fasts Due To Her Diabetes?
Can I Pay Fidya for Missed Days of Fasting Due to Menses?
Can a Healthy Person Skip Prayer and Fasting and Pay Expiation?
The Expiation (Kaffara) for Having Sex While Fasting
Must I Fast 180 Days as Expiation for 3 Broken Fasts?
Things that Break the Fast
Principles on what invalidates the fast
Does Watching Pornography While Fasting Break One’s Fast
Using Creams, Powders, or Topical Medications While Fasting
Does Swallowing Phlegm Break Your Fast?
Vaseline On Lips While Fasting, and Hitting Kids
Applying Medicine to One’s Teeth: Does it Invalidate the Fast?
Ramadan: Injections, Eye Drops, And Doubts
Accidental & Forgetful Breaking of the Fast: What Is the Difference?
What Corrupts a Fast: Questions About Water Entering the Body
The Effect of Smoking on Fasting, and the Effect of Sins on Faith
Using Asthma Medication: Is My Fast Invalidated?
Accidentally Inhaling Perfume While Fasting
Does breathing in Air break one’s Fast?
Passionate Kissing While Fasting
Fasting and Illness
Too Sick to Fast in Ramadan, Too Poor to Pay the Expiatory Payment (Fidya)
Long-Term Illness that Prevents Fasting
How Can I Benefit From Ramadan When I Can’t Fast Due to Being Ill?
Laylat al-Qadr
Worship & Prayer on Laylat al-Qadr
Making Up Missed Fasts
Making Up Missed Fasts and Illness
Can I Combine My Intentions for a Missed Ramadan Fast and An Optional Sunnah Fast?
Do I Have To Make Up Missed Fasts Within A Year?
Making up Obligatory Fasts and Prayers
Years of Missed Fasts and Expiation (kaffara)
Breaking One’s Fast/Not Fasting Due to Hardship
Breaking One’s Fast Due to Weakness & Migraines
Can I Break My Fast If My Job Makes Fasting Too Difficult?
Attending Juma, Praying and Fasting While Training to be a Firefighter
Can I Break My Fast If My Job Makes Fasting Too Difficult?
Fasting and Pregnancy
Pregnancy & Making Up Fasts: Does She Really Have To?
The Spiritual Retreat (I`tikaf)
The Spiritual Retreat (i`tikaf)
The Three Types of I’tikaf (Spiritual Retreat)
Ramadan Advice, Benefits and Inspiration
Worship in Ramadan For a Menstruating Woman
How Do I Make The Most Of Ramadan?
Fasting Its Principles and Virtues-Imam Ghazali from al-Arab’in
Inner Dimensions of Fasting-Imam Ghazali
The Spiritual Purpose of Fasting – Closeness to Allah
Practical Tips for Fasting During Ramadan
Work Ethics for Muslims Fasting During Ramadan
Prophetic Supplications for Fasting
Virtues of Fasting in the Summer
Health Benefits of Fasting, and the Maximum Recommended Fast
General Ramadan Answers
When and Where Do I Break My Fast on a 20 Hour Airline Flight?
Should I Feel Bad for Not Fasting When I Had to Travel?
At What Age Must One Start Fasting?
Eating After Dawn & Breaking The Fast For An Invitation
The Chaining of Shayateen (Devils) During Ramadan
Does Each Makeup Prayer During Ramadan Count as 70 Makeup Prayers?
Intercourse during the month of Ramadan
Should I Feel Bad for Not Fasting When I Had to Travel?
Brief Miscellaneous Q & A Relating to Fasting
Newlyweds Having Intercourse While Fasting During Ramadan
The Chaining of Shayateen (Devils) During Ramadan
Does Each Makeup Prayer During Ramadan Count as 70 Makeup Prayers?
Intercourse during the month of Ramadan
Should I Feel Bad for Not Fasting When I Had to Travel?
Brief Miscellaneous Q & A Relating to Fasting
Newlyweds Having Intercourse While Fasting During Ramadan