By: Nourin Ibrahim
Source: xeniagreekmuslimah.wordpress.com
Don’t worry I am not going to say “please stop keeping a nanny or baby sitter for your child”.
It’s completely your call, but a few reminders to help you bring up a healthy child both physically and mentally. In this modern world every parent wants to provide his child with best food, clothes, toys, accessories, etc. And those who are working hard towards these goals, are actually doing it for their kids and cannot be questioned.
It’s the duty of a mom and dad to provide all necessary things for their kid, let me remind, it includes your TIME as well.
Time you spend with your kids the most precious and most loved moments you gift them. If you don’t believe just ask your daughter or son today, what they treasure the most? It probably would be a trip or an outing with family or may be some cute moments shared with parents.
When you give them your time they start feeling they are important to you and they themselves feel special which boosts their confidence.
As a Muslim parent you have the responsibility not just helping your baby to grow into a human being but a man or woman who obeys Allah and leads a life with Taqwa.
We notice how arrogant our children become once we are away from them.They simply get frustrated as deep inside they are missing us and needs our love and care.
Some kids are fed by their babysitters, who tell us what our child ate and we believe it. All mothers will know that feeding a kid is a tedious job, we ourselves feel exhausted running behind them just to fill their stomach..Why??
Because we are mothers and love them, do you think your baby sitter will do that? She is paid for feeding and taking care of your child, if child is not eating even after forcing will they take the effort to dance and sing so that your child eats half a bowl of food?
May be there are a few, but it’s always better if we can feed our kids ourselves which of course will strengthens our bond with our kid. There are some kids who are so attached to their child minders that they can’t sleep without them, if the child minder is their primary care taker and they take a holiday it effects the child’s sleep, it hurts the mother the most..(not talking about play schools and day-care nurseries).
Never allow such a situation to rise….Insha Allah
“Nothing you do for a child is ever wasted.” ― Garrison Keillor
Let’s not try bringing up a child just like that… a human being who is confident, respected, humble, loved and grateful to Allah and his/her parent for what they are.
May Allah bless all parents with time and energy to be with their little ones and make everyday happy and satisfactory for them and their kids…
We all want to gain rewards even after death, right?
Allah’s Messenger, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “When a human being dies, all of his deeds are terminated except for three types: an ongoing sadaqah, a knowledge (of Islam) from which others benefit, and a righteous child who makes du’a for him.” [Muslim and others].
Nowdays mothers have to work due to necessity and this post is not targeting in any way working mothers. It is just simply a reminder for us all to spend precious, constructive time and strengthen the bonds with our children.
May Allah bless all the mothers in the world.