By: Barney Zwartz
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
ALL Muslims should renounce their religion immediately in favour of Christianity or atheism – it would be better for them and for everyone else, controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders said in Melbourne on Tuesday.
Insisting politely that he did not want to incite or offend anyone, the anti-Islam campaigner described the prophet Muhammad as ”a warlord, terrorist and paedophile” and urged Australia to ban the Quran and all migration from Muslim countries.
Told that Premier Ted Baillieu had advised Victorians to ignore him, Mr Wilders said the Premier could ignore the threat of Islam and ”sing Kumbaya” all day long, but the voters would wake up eventually.
Mr Greet Wilders was speaking to the assembled media at a secret location 40 minutes’ drive north-west of Melbourne, of which they were notified only in the morning.
For years, Mr Wilders has lived under constant police protection, staying in a government safe house and being driven in an armoured car, but before his visit Melbourne Muslim leaders said he was under no threat of violence from local Muslims. However, the Q Society, which is hosting his three-city tour, says it has had more than two dozen venues refuse to host him or cancel bookings for fear of violent protests.
The Q Society was founded in 2010 to ”educate Australians about Islam”, media spokesman Andrew Horwood said.
Mr Wilders – impeccably dressed and coiffured and a polished media performer who never raised his voice despite some hostile questioning – said Islam was a totalitarian system that was incompatible with freedom.
”I am here to talk about the Islamisation of Europe,” he said. ”If you think what happened in Europe will not happen in Australia you are totally wrong.”
He said he did not oppose the multiculturalism on which Australia prides itself, but cultural relativism, ”the crazy idea that all cultures are equal, so you don’t have a dominant culture”.
He said Islam was based on the Koran, which contained more anti-Semitism than Hitler’s manifesto Mein Kampf, and on the example of the life of the prophet Muhammad.
”Muhammad was a warlord, terrorist and paedophile (who slept with a wife when she was nine). If 1.5 billion people think he is the best example to follow it’s fair and necessary to analyse it and be able to talk about it.
”I call on all the Muslims in the world to leave Islam for Christianity or atheism or whatever they want. This will be good for them and also for our free society.”
Australian Multicultural Foundation chief executive Hass Dellal said that call was so outlandish there was no sensible reply.
”He is full of contradictions and is wrapped up in his own notoriety. He never speaks of tolerance, understanding or cohesion,” Mr Dellal said.
Islamic Council of Victoria past president Ramzi Elsayed said Mr Wilders’ remarks simply showed ignorance. ”He seems to be losing rationality in his argument,” he said.
Mr Wilders cancelled the Perth leg of his tour because a hotel hosting him pulled out late on Tuesday.
See Also:
Feb 20 2013
An alliance of organisations and individuals from across New South Wales have come together to re-affirm in a joint statement their support of the state’s multicultural and multi-faith community.
This is their joint statement in response to the Geert Wilders visit to Australia to spread bigotry and disharmony.
New South Wales is a multicultural and multi-faith society in which racial, religious and linguistic diversity is embraced as a strength. This vibrant diversity has generated social, cultural and economic benefits for all of the state’s citizens.
The community holds a diversity of views and beliefs, observes many different cultures and traditions and speaks a wide range of languages. The 2011 ABS Census illustrated our cultural diversity: In New South Wales 31.4% of people were born overseas; 48.1% had at least one parent born overseas; 27.5% speak a language other than English at home; and 129 different faiths are followed.
Community harmony in New South Wales is strengthened by a long-standing, shared commitment across government, community and business to respect and embrace difference, to respond appropriately to unjust treatment and vilification, and to recognise and celebrate our common bond as proud Australians.
We have a collective responsibility to respect fellow citizens and preserve the social cohesion that characterise New South Wales as a great society. We also encourage genuine and constructive engagement and dialogue as a means to achieving greater understanding and acceptance of diversity.
We welcome challenging ideas and debate which does not incite hatred and animosity towards specific cultural or faith-based communities. All people of New South Wales have a right to practice their faith and observe their cultural traditions and languages free from discrimination or vilification.
This statement is endorsed by the following organisations and individuals (in alphabetical order)
• Affinity Intercultural Foundation
• Amitabha Buddhist Association of New South Wales
• Australian National Imams Council
• Columban Mission Institute
• Islamic Council of NSW
• Standing Committee on Interfaith Dialogue for the World Fellowship of Buddhists
• The Catholic Diocese of Broken Bay
• The Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of NSW and the ACT
For more information contact:
Mr Mehmet Ozalp – 0401 222 706
Sr Trish Madigan OP – 0407 743 346
Rev Dr Brian Brown – 0408 421 744