MuslimVillage.com has put together a series of articles to help you get the best of Ramadan InshAllah. We will be constantly updating this page with new articles, videos + more. If you find them helpful, feel free to share with your family and friends and multiply your rewards!
Many of us have been counting the days remaining up to the holy month of Ramadan. Five days, four, three, two and the next thing you know here it is. For a believer the name of this month “Ramadan” gives the thought of joy, rewards and a feeling of Allah’s mercy. Truly, this is a…Continue reading …
A Ramadan guide for non-Muslims
“Fasting breath”, wheres your lunch?, the sudden need for power naps – non Muslim friends, family and work mates sometimes have a hard time understanding what Ramadan is all about. To make it a little easier on your non Muslim friends, here is some handy hints – A Ramadan guide for non Muslims!… Continue reading …
Fasting the month of Ramadan is not just about abstaining from food an drink. According to Imam Al Ghazali,for one to achieve the maximum spiritual benefit, it is imperative that one has an understanding of the inner dimensions of fasting… Continue reading …
At a time when the world has become like a big village and at a point when our society is on the verge of great change and transformation, if we are to establish a better world for all, the first thing to do is to implant a sense of love and compassion..Continue reading …
Try to make sure that when you look back at this Ramadan in the future, you feel like you made a difference in your life that will stick with you for life InshAllah. Do something OUT of your comfort zone and InshAllah, it will transform you…Continue reading …
Muslims use the Ramadan fast as a vehicle for introspection and heightened spirituality, a message that can be a bit beyond children. So it’s the other aspects of Ramadan that get emphasized — fostering a stronger sense of family and community, improving one’s character and amping up good works in the hopes of making them lifelong habits…Continue reading …
It’s hard to believe that Ramadan is heading down the final homestretch. The last few days of Ramadan are upon us, as Muslims from all over the world step up their efforts to make the most of every remaining moment. The last ten nights of Ramadan are are the most blessed and we should increase our worship and devotion as they hold the glittering jewel of Laylat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power…Continue reading …
To fast is an act of liberation from artificial collective emotions, consumerism, insane competition and love of power in order to set ourselves free from injustice, oppression and war. To fast is an act of justice towards the self. It should also be an act of justice towards human beings around the world, those who are oppressed and unjustly treated. God is the Just (al Adl) and He commands justice, as the Qu’ran tells us…Continue reading …
Undoubtedly, many of us will be hosting an iftaar party and sharing food with others this Ramadan. Whether you are the guest or the host, being aware of certain table-manners can help to make that iftaar an productive one and avoid offending anyone by upholding and following Islamic values…Continue reading …
A Muslim’s diet is above ordinary – we are “meat-eating vegetarians” which means if it’s not organic or halal food (lawful in Islam), we practice temporary vegetarianism…Continue reading …