European Catholic leaders are reaching out to other spiritual leaders, including those of the Muslim and Jewish faiths, to possibly form an alliance against the proliferation of marriage equality.
In an address to U.K. Catholic bishops, Archbishop Antonio Mennini echoed the words of Pope Benedict, urging the church to take a leadership position in fighting against marriage rights for same-sex couples, the Telegraph reports. His address comes shortly after several clerics of multiple faiths have spoken out against U.K. Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone, who kicked off an investigation on marriage equality.
“I wonder if we shouldn’t ask for and look for more support among other Christian confessions and indeed, persons of other faiths,” Archbishop Mennini said. “It seems to me that, concerning the institution of marriage, and indeed the sanctity of human life, we have much in common with the position of the Jewish community, the Chief Rabbi and many of the more significant representatives of Islam.”
Archbishop Peter Smith, one of the highest ranking Catholic leaders in England and Wales, said that while there has not yet been a formal alliance of religious groups against marriage equality, “we will work with anyone who agrees with us that to redefine marriage is not a good thing for society and will lead to more confusion.”
Many rabbis for Liberal and Reform synagogues have expressed support for marriage equality, but Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks in London has yet to announce his position. The Muslim Council of Britain came out in opposition of the proposed policy change last month. A council of Imams in Glasgow, Scotland approved a joint resolution that said marriage equality was an attack on their faith, and a Sikh leader said same-sex marriage was a “sideways assault on religion.”